Chapter 5

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                                                  Dedicated to hjhfddyijgdyih

Asfand slammed his office door ,he sat on his chair with head in his hands .He  was angry with Zubiya's behaviour. who behaves like that ,i agree she doesn't like me with Barbie but skipping her meal is not the solution either .Have she seen herself carefully ofcourse not otherwise she would have realised that she have lost her weight ....Being a Dr she should know but all this but no this stubborn girl will look after other take care of others but not herself..

On top of that Dr Haroon is getting on my nerves, always around her what's the need of having breakfast and lunch sometimes even dinner together ,always making her laugh that's my right to do not him...What ? yes im possessive about her  but she is Mine i can't bear her with anyone else ...

Penny for your thoughts Asfi came Barbie's voice who was at the door frame with Geeti  smiling at his  situation ..

ummm  mmmm Afand started  when Geeti showed him her hand indicating him to stop and said we got it and both Burst into laugh whereas Asfand scratched the back of his neck ..

Coming towards Asfand, Geeti took his hand in her  with tears in her Eyes and said  ,' i'm so Happy for you Asfi you have made the right decision. you both deserve each other ,i know she is not confessing what she has in her heart for you but i know one day she will and you will make her say that with your love, trust and faith .. right? Asfand nodded his head as  Yes and wipes the tears from her cheeks 

And i want her only as my Sister in Law said Geeti with smile on her face to lighten the environment. Asfand Hugged her and replied definitely Bhabhi only her  

Ok Ok Stop this emotional Scene now , looking towards Asfand  Can you please drop me if your Zubiya won't Mind  said Barbie and Asfand nodded but suddenly remembered where BArbie stays .He didn't asked her earlier he is such a bad friend ..

Where are you staying he asked her..Hotel came her reply as if it was no big deal but seeing his expression she added yes the Hospital has provided me facilities to stay in their staff Quarter but i rejected that because i want to stay in fresh atmosphere ,living in staff quarter feels like i'm living in Boarding 

There is no way in hell i'm going to agree with you to  stays in Hotel said Asfand .Then where would i live in these weeks replied Barbie

our HOuse came his answer with finality when Geeti also insisted her to live with them she has no other option other than to agree with them ..Ok i will stay with you people replied Barbie

When the three reached corridor Geeti excused herself as she still has some work saying she will join them at Dinner.

Asfand & Barbie were about to leave when they found Zubiya Walking ahead of them ..

Zubiya !! Asfand Called her and when she heard the familiar voice she turned turned with smile on her face but that smile dropped when she witnessed Barbie blowing air in Asfand's Eye as if removing dust . 

What are you doing? asked Asfand whispered about Barbie's Act. You just shut up , you men know nothing, now play along with me rolling her eyes Barbie replied irritatedly .From the corner of his eyes he can see Zubiya's face with  jealousy, care but more than that concern written on her face and that thought brought smile on his face which was not long lasting as Barbie pinched his Arm signalling him with eyes to start acting

  what happened? Zubiya asked , without looking at her Asfand replied some dust got in my eye.Let me check Zubiya said looking at Barbie ..When Barbie was about to give her space Asfand interrupted saying  Babe is doing it you don't bother ..

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