Stef's attitude ~~chapter seven~~

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 Come with me now

I think with my heart and I move with my head
I open my mouth and it's something I've read
I stood at this door before, I'm told
But a part of me knows that I'm growing too old

Confused what I thought with something I felt
Confuse what I feel with something that's real
I tried to sell my soul last night
Funny, he wouldn't even take a bite

~~ Kongos

I sat in the lounge with Chris balancing a china plate on my lap. Violet and Clarisse were still asleep. “It was your brother’s request.” I sighed and set the fork down on the plate and set it on the coffee table. Even though I only finished half of my omelet.

“Why do they call this the school of air if students of other elements enroll here?” He sets his empty plate next to mine.

“Violet, she is a transfer student. She is also consider a traitor at the school of fire. Once you decide to leave a school you can’t go back. We only have masters to teach for air but, only seventy percent of students her are born air.”

I nodded leaning back into the soft cushions on the couch. “When do I have to start training?” He took a deep breath before answering.

“Tomorrow… We are going to meet the water master today. Violet is going to teach you fire. Clarisse and I will help you with air so, you don’t have to work with the classes.”

“Okay, but what about earth?” He grab both of the plates and stood.

“We are working on that…” He left the room and I followed. The rest of the day the four of us hung out wondering the school. Later we met up with the master that is going to teach me the element water at a diner.

I smoothed down my dress steeping out of the portal from the library. The dress was smooth black with purple lace lent to me by Violet. Chris was in a black collar shirt. Violet and Clarisse were in similar dark red dresses except Violet had a black bow tied around her waist and two that sat decoratively on her shoulder straps. Clarisse had dark black and silver roses twirling along her dress.

 We talked mindless chatter till we reached the diner. Chris verified our reservations. I honestly never been to place that required reservations or even a dress, just to eat. The place was decoratively designed with white table cloths, crystal chandelier, and china plates. I wonder why we couldn’t just meet at garden or at the library or whatever.

 Violet sat next to me and Chris sat across, while Clarisse sat next to him. A waiter came by handing us our menus and we order our drinks. “Where is he?… He was supposed to meet us here.”  Clarisse mumbles. The waiter then later comes with our drinks. When we gave her our orders she left.

 I stir my drink bored, listening to Violet talk. I look up from my drink as a boy walks into the diner. He seemed like he was lost and was just out of place. Well first his hair was electric blue. He wore a black hoodie with clip art of waves and ripped jeans. Not like a shirt and tie, like he should at a place like this.

 This boy who stuck out as a sore thumb and he sat in the empty chair to my left. I look up at him. His eyes was like looking into an ocean, sea green with swirls of blue and gold. Quickly realizing what I was doing I broke his gaze. I look at Chris who looked at the boy with a slight murderous look. I then started to glare at my glass not looking at anyone.

“You must be the one born with the spirit, huh?” He chimes. I took a sip of my drink before answering.


He grabs a piece of my hair twisting it and tugs at the strand. “A pretty thing aren’t you?” I slap his hand away and he chuckles softly.

“You’re late Stef” Clarisse says. He looks from me to her, keeping his goofy grin.

“I ran into something.” He says.

“What was so important?” She says coolly.

“Taylor wanted to talk to me, caught me on my way out. He said you’re a doll Alexandria.”

I clench my hand on the table and all the drinks turn to pure ice. I look at their worried looks and Stef’s grin. I took a deep breath and unclenched my fist. The drinks turned back to normal. “I like to be called… Alex.”

“Looks like I found a weak spot.” He says softly picking up my drink and drinking from it.

“Please excuse me.” I say getting up and leaving to the bathroom. Clarisse follows quickly behind me. I walk into the bathroom, thankful that it was empty and leaned against the wall.

“Are you okay?” Clarisse asks.

“He is an ass.”

“Yeah but, he is the best student who is born water. And his attitude does get better when you know him longer… He is just testing you.” I sighed.

“Why?” She shrugs.

“I don’t know…”

We sit there in silence and I slowly calmed down. “Let’s go.”  She says and before I could respond, she drags me out, back to the table. Both Stef and Chris were arguing in whispers, while Violet sat there quietly. As soon as I sat back down they both went silent. The waitress came and gave us our food. Stef ordered his drink and food.

I slowly started to eat my salad, listening to the sound of metal clinking against the plates. Once Stef gets his plate of food he speaks. “When have your powers first appear?” I continued to eat and decided to actually respond or not. I gave in.

“About a day ago…”

“Have you even try to obtain control?” He asks.

“What kind of question is that? When the heck did you turn to a freaking ass?” Violet objects before I could even respond.

“One to talk aren’t you hot head.” He says glaring at her.

She glares back. “For once can you lose the attitude and be half way decent.” Violet growls.

“Both of you stop bickering.” Clarisse complains. I sighed. The rest of the dinner the five of us talked very little. I didn’t know what happened in there I just hope that everyone one else at the school isn't like Taylor and Stef. I sat down on the window seat that I slept on the night before.

Chris sat next to me and he drapes his arm over my shoulder. “I am sorry of how things went.”

“Is everyone here like this… besides you, Violet, and Clarisse?” He smiles slightly.

“Actually no… it’s just them two and a few others.”

I nodded. “Okay…”

(( >_< Gah I'm sorry I updated a week late and a shorter chapter. :( the next chapter will be better I promise. It also won't be late. Feel free to like and comment. Also do you think the story is running fast? too slow? I apologise once again for the story being late and short as well. Also i published Darkness of the Guardians if you like my book you like the other one as well

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