break out ~~chapter three~~

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Bring me to Life

All this time I can't believe I couldn't see
Kept in the dark but you were there in front of me
I've been sleeping a thousand years it seems
Got to open my eyes to everything
Without a thought, without a voice, without a soul
Don't let me die here
There must be something more
Bring me to life


The fire then died out finding nothing it could burn, the only thing I could see was the glow of light coming from opened barred door. The room looked like a wave pushed everything physically movable forward, except well me. My heart pounded in my ears and my fingers tingled with this unfound energy. Almost as if I had an extreme adrenalin rush.

The groans of the man quickly brought me back. I quickly found my way around the broken stone floor to the door. I clung to the bars trying to make my raspy breathing smooth out. Everything seemed so vibrant, my sixth sense on high alert.

 The sound of footsteps startled me as one of the other men picked me up off my feet by the neck. I started fighting for breath and my body slammed against the wall, the unsettle sound of more breaking stone. His black hair spiked and dark eyes glared into my soul.  

“You really think it’s that easy?” He growls. I squeeze my eyes shut, trying to get air. I need to get out of here. I need to get away from him. I need to find Chis and go. I pushed against his chest and made slight contact. As if a bomb exploded and I had a shield. He flew back and a warm breeze slapped my face not affecting me in the slightest.

I fell too my knees, my body shaking. I don’t know what was going on. I’m going to wake up in the car, heading towards Violet’s house. I know it, this is all a dream, just one of my nightmares. I tried to convince myself but, it didn’t seem true. It wasn’t true.

Blood and tears dripped onto the dirt floor. I didn’t feel any pain, as if the energy took it away, my body shaking. A hand was placed on my shoulder. “Alex…” A familiar voice murmurs. I look up to see sad, sky blue eyes and golden blonde hair, Chris. He firmly grasp my arm and helps me stand.

The thunder of footsteps came from our right. He grasps my hand and we both start running in the opposite direction. The air seemed to grow hotter with every step, and sweat dripped from my forehead.  He pull to a stop in front of a large barred door leading outside. Chris swears grabbing the bars fusterated.

I look at the rock surrounding the gate. I didn’t know how it came to mind, it just did. I raised my hand to the gate and slammed my foot against the ground. The rock around it crumbled and the gate crashed forward. Chris quickly looked down the hall were three men and two girls charged towards us.

He reached over and quickly picked me up with ease. He ran over the gate and the orange rough leather wings folded from his back again. He jumped in the air and we took flight. I looked up at him and it seemed the wave of energy through me faded. My face started to sting as the wind brushed against it, my head, and shoulder throbbed.

He looks down at me, his wings beating behind him. “Are you okay?” I looked away at the sparkling night.

“I honestly don’t know….Chris… who were those people… W-was I doing those things? What am I?.... What are you?”

He kisses the top of my head. “I will answer questions soon… I promise.” He then sighs looking out into the sky. Why not now? I wanted to ask but, I didn’t. I knew this stuff was happening but, at the same time it felt like they weren’t.

He then quickly lands diving in the canopy of trees, holding me tight. He sets me down near a small stream. It was so dark I could barely see the shapes of the trees. His wings tuck in and he looks at my face that had now blood dripping down my chin, neck and chest. I look up at him.

His hair seemed to shimmer in the moon light and his blue eyes had an unnatural glow to them. He mumbles something I couldn’t pick up and pulled his dark t-shirt over his head. He pulls a small knife from his pocket that I never seen before, cutting up the shirt. Then he knelt back down in front of me.

In gentle daps he took the blood around my face then held the cloth over the deepest part of the cut. “Hold this” He says. I raise my hand over his and he pulls his hand away.

He then started to work on my shoulder. “Who were those people, Chris?” I ask again, even though it hurt to even talk now. He sighs, tying the shirt off in a knot to form a makeshift bandage.

“People of the Earth school.”

“Earth school…”

I echo in question. He gets up, rinsing his hands in the stream. “There are four schools, fire, earth, water, and air. I was born in the element air and a student at the air school.”

“But, how? Born under the element… That doesn’t make any sense.”

I watch him as he stands back up, scanning the woods as if anything could jump out at us this very moment. “It’s not safe to stay here… we need to get back to the school. I will explain things there.” I took a deep breath to clear my mind.

Before I could get a chance to ask another question he picked me up started running. His wings unfolded and we took flight. I griped the cloth pressing it close to my throbbing face. We flew forever in the dark space. I stayed quiet mostly running thoughts to my mind trying to see if they made sense. Though Chris eventually did land on the roof of building. He set me down and I shakily stood.

The roof and a small light above a door shined then eventually started to slant. I felt my body sway. The light then faded and I fell a pair of arms wrapping around me.

((Hey here is the third chapter. Dontbe scared to comment was it good? bad? will i ask every chaper... probally have a good weekend ^-^)/

Blood and ClawsOn viuen les histories. Descobreix ara