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I huddled closer to Miss Alice, who was shivering beside me. The poor girl was freezing.

They didn't give us any blankets or sheets to sleep with. The padded floors were soft yet did little to warm us up on cold nights.

How many days had we been in here? Weeks? Months? I had lost track of time entirely. Aside from the two way mirror looming above us from which the staff watched us, there were no windows within the room, no place to let fresh air in aside from the vents and even though it never held the repulsive scent of body odour, the room had a nauseating sanitizer that was let inside every four hours.

We never got the chance to smell unappealing thanks in part to their  decontamination process of blowing us to high hell with their hoses.

"Miss Alice...are you okay?"

"I'm c-c-c-cold doctor..." She said, her body violently shaking.

She'd lost several pounds of weight. Her petite figure had now been made skeletal, yet it did little to keep her from being beautiful.

I sighed and pulled her close to me. Miss Alice had won the genetic lottery. A rare sight to behold in a world so hellbent on changing themselves. Almost everybody nowadays, myself included, had a Neural User Interface. Being able to communicate and experience things as if you were there yourself is a mind blowing thing. Disconnecting from reality into a virtual world and communicating to others through an almost telepathic form of communication.

Miss Alice had an NUI as well, yet she rarely used it,relying more on the old ways of talking and communicating through speech rather than text.

She was a rare girl in this world. A good friend that I'd had for years now. I remembered teaching her and lecturing her in the academy. My top student, quiet as a mouse, shy and innocent.

A loud crash eminating from the observation room above caused Miss Alice and myself to jump up. We huddled even closer than I thought possible as the screech from the intercom blared into the room.

"You! Both of you tell me where the Synth is right now!"

"I already told you! We don't know where he is!" I said, placing as much emphasis as I could on the he.

Ryder was a human. Not a machine. He was free.

"I don't have time for this bullshit!" The woman's voice came, one that I knew all too well. "I have enough on my hands with that fucker Grin and his boyband of faggot hackers! Tell me where the robot is!"

I clenched my fists. This woman dare call my creation a robot one more time.

"Go fuck yourself Whore."

Silence ensued. The intercom died out and the door to our cell opened. Eight men brandishing baton's, head to toe in white clothing approached Miss Alice and myself.

Me and my big mouth...

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