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I used to question life 
Like why do I have to feel this pain? 
Why do I have to feel the shattered pieces of my heart? 
Why life ain't treating me good?  

And I used to question my own existence,  my own life
Why I had this life? 
Why am I here? 
Why life is so unfair? 

And when life question me
Why do you hate yourself? 
Why do you keep pushing people away? 
Why do you hate life? 

I used to question if things could get worse and now I wonder if my life can get any better.


My eye's fluttered open as I awoke from a deep slumber. I was still sleepy, and after rubbing the sleep from my eye's, I sat up and gazed round my room.

"Error. Download unsuccessful. There is not enough memory storage to hold all the data."

So I knew next to nothing of the world around me. Splendid. I lay back on my bed,sinking into the matress. It was soft, comfortable and would have pulled me back into the clutches of Mr. Sandman if my mind had not been racing with thoughts. let's sum up what I know from what little memory I have...

The year is 2122, date is April 19th, and I was born on March 30th. I'm the first human synthetic and I have a talent with computers and technology. Akido corporation is the largest and leading megacorporation in bionics and prostethics, and I was designed there by a doctor who went by the name of Roland Morgan. I was to be weaponized by Mogwai Corporation, the worlds leading company in military research and development, however they failed to retrieve me, and now I'm on the run.

I let out a sigh and rolled over. The blinds were still shut, with the only light in the room coming from my laptop's screen.

My head ached with a dull throb forming at the base of my forehead.

So this is what the teenagers in books I read would talk about, studying fatigue. An influx of information that makes their head hurt and causes extreme exhaustion or something.

There had to be some way...I had the power to hack almost everything, but who knows how long it would take to break past Mogwai corps firewall, let alone establishing a root. Akido was tough enough on it's own, and all I wanted to do there was retrieve an email. Akido's cyber security was nearly top of the line, and Mogwai corp's was undoubtedly even tougher to break into. They held quite literally some of the most destructive tech on the planet, and if someone were to break into their network and sift through all of that, they would have been fucked a long time ago.


I knew next to nothing about Neo City,and downloading shit to memory didn't go as planned,so I used the next best alternative.

Not a moment later and I was in front of my laptop's screen again, surfing the web. An influx of information was set before me, an online tour of Neo City showcasing landmarks like the large statue of the Cities Founding Fathers, the different Mega Corporations which had set Neo City as their hub for their main branches while they spread their companies across the globe. Major cities such as Hong Kong in China, Johannesburg Gauteng in Southern Africa, Tokyo Japan, Moscow, London, making trillions in tiles. The U.S government and United Nations held less money than these Corporations. There were several, Akido Corporation,Mogwai, PenTech,The lead global Corporation in designing and overseeing criminal penitentiaries, Medik, and many others. All were suspected in shady dealings but no evidence had ever popped up of them ever doing any of these, so several conspiracy theories were scattered across the online forums and threads I went through.

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