Fires Of A Dying Revolution

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"Rule one: no sex. At all. I'm...just no."

Candy nodded her head obediently. I don't know why, but I found it slightly cute how she was so obedient...

"Rule two: No making any unwanted advances on each other."

"Got it." Candy said, nodding again.

My door opened suddenly and I nearly leapt up in surprise. Demi appeared, stopping dead in her tracks, awkwardly stopping in the doorway.

"Am I...interrupting something?"

"Who is she?" Candy asked.

"Demi!" do I explain this?

Warning! Heart rate rising! Caution advised.

"I swear it's not what it looks like."

Demi shook her head and turned round. "I'll wait for you outside."

She left myself and Candy alone in the apartment and I've never wanted to smack myself across the face more in my life.


"Candy I-"

"If you gotta go, you gotta go." She said, shrugging.

I didn't even reply. I couldn't. I only gave her an awkward smile,grabbed my bag holding my laptop and pistol then bolted it.

"Should I get us some dinner for when you get back? Gotta put these tiles to use!"

"Sure!" I shouted back.

Demi leaned casually against a sleek matte black bike. She threw me a helmet which I clumsily caught.

"We...could use my car?"

She cocked her head to the side, smiling. "When'd you get yourself a car?"

"Gift from Kingpin."

Demi parked her bike into the garage, while I climbed into the drivers seat. She whistled as she climbed in, pulling the passenger door closed behind her.

"Holy shit...Tadashi four-eighty huh? Kingpin's got some taste."

"You know this car?"

"An old super...yeah this baby bucks."

I drove out the garage, slowly driving through the streets of Neo City.

"So where are we going? You haven't told me."

"Actually, I heard about your job, Kingpin asked me to have your back with it." She said, "Said you'd be walking into more than what your client let you in on."

"How does Kingpin know about what my job is?"

"He asked Oliver. Mitroviç is an old friend of The Syndicate. Sucks at keeping secrets so he spilled on everything you'd be doing. But,Kingpin had a feeling you'd be walking into something a bit he went ahead and sent me to back you up."

"How considerate of him." 

Demi had a baffled expression on her face, and I couldn't understand why. She suddenly reached over,running her index finger just behind the lower lobe of my right ear. She was touching something rough,something I didn't recognise. 

"When'd you get an NuI?" She asked. 


I reached over, and felt a metallic socket against my neck just behind my ear. 

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