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So to recap.

Miguel Esquella was the Son of Pablo Esquella, head of the Mexican Cartel in Neo City. Pablo held a Macguffin, whatever that was, that my employer Kingpin wanted.

Miguel was going to a meet where he'd be handing Kingpin's Macguffin over to a street gang, The Skinners. My assignment was simple.

Head to the location, Kill Miguel Esquella and all the Skinner's. Take the tiles and Kingpin's Macguffin, and leave.

I learned pretty quickly though, that nothing is ever that simple in the criminal underworld. I watched Miguel Esquella through my monitor in my new apartment. I'd hacked into the districts traffic cam's, and I watched his every move. He fancied high quality motels and never stayed at only one. The meet would take place tomorrow, but I didn't know what time, so I stayed vigilant, sleeping at six in the evening so I could wake up earlier to watch him again.

The apartment Kingpin gave me was more than I expected. It was small, boasting a bathroom complete with a toilet and bath tub. There was a secret room hidden behind a bookshelf where I kept all my William Blake poetries and some novels to read.

Inside the room was a personal armory. I never had much right now aside from the pistol Kingpin had given me,but I'd be getting more soon.

I sat at my terminal, taking a bite from a half empty packet of crisps I bought from the vending machine down the street.

I'd say it was around one in the morning. I couldn't sleep.  Given the time, I was taken by surprise when I heard the bell to my apartment ring. I was cautious, grabbing my gun off my desk as I went to check who was outside.

"Ryder? You awake?!"

Demi...what was she doing here so early in the morning? I opened the door, letting Demi inside.

"Sorry if I'm waking you..." She said as she stepped inside. "Okay I take it back, you haven't slept yet have you?"

"I'm surprised you're still awake, aren't you usually asleep by now?"

I shut the door behind her, placing the gun back down on my desk. Demi plopped herself onto my bed, sighing as she took off her jacket.

"So, I hear you're taking on a job in a few days. A gig for Kingpin."

I sank into my chair,flipping my hood on. "That's right..."

"You're a fixer now."

"You sound disappointed."

"Oh no, on the contrary congrats. You do good, get the right contacts and you'll be making some great tiles. Just that you'll be making a lot of enemies."

I took a breath, calming myself. I had to do this. I didn't have any other choice. I needed to get this job done and get into The Syndicate,get more contacts from Kingpin, and build a rep as a reliable fixer so I could find Alice...

But I was nervous. I was scared. I didn't want to kill anyone, but I knew I had to. I had no fucking idea how I was going to pull this off. I had to kill Miguel Esquella or I'd die...but wasn't killing the wrong thing to do?

Sure I...I did it. I killed those four guys that Kingpin set on me and the three Mogwai agents that tried to hurt Alice but I never wanted to. The guilt was unbearable...

I clenched my fist and grit my teeth together.

I have to do this...I have to...

"Hey, if anything goes south, I've got your back." Demi said.

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