The Dysko Club

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I sat back in my chair, the new recruits all looking at me nervously. I was just as nervous as they were. Whoever the hell this Grin guy was, he was not someone to be taken lightly. Whoever he was, he took down not only the Android Rights Movement three months ago, but also took down Mitroviç robotics. I've seen Oliver begging on the streets now for chump change, and that's a damn far way to fall down from one guy.

"Alright everyone listen up!" I said, opening my PDA "This is our mission brief! We'll set up shop in an abandoned factory in Neo City, carefully set up our tech so these fuckers don't hack us, and then, we'll start tracking their hideout down."

I played the mission brief, with a holographic image of the missus popping up for all to see.

"Alright! All you fucking shit for brains better listen up! These sons of bitches have become a real pain in my ass and we are losing money! Lots and lots of fucking MONEY! So you find these motherfuckers and you take them down!

Here's the members!" She said, with her image fading away and the now infamous clown mask appearing on projection.


Bio: The Man,The Myth,The Legend. Leader and Founder of the Hacktivist Group known on the streets of Neo City as TDC or The Dysko Club, 6RiN is becoming one serious thorn in my fucking backside.This guy's become somewhat of an Urban Legend on the streets of Neo City,very elusive,efficient and never ceases to amaze his employers. This is the ONE man responsible for taking down The Android Rights Movement as well as Mitrovic Robotics after he single-handedly exposed them for human trafficking,causing public backlash,investors to pull shares from the company. Mitrovic was one of the baddest companies out there, right up here with us. This guy made them go bankrupt. Trillions lost in less than one week,a global conglomerate taken down by one guy. You can see why I want this guy taken down,because now,he's gunnin for Mogwai. Word is He started off as a fixer working for The Syndicate, but recently went on to found The Dysko Club, a group of individuals who are working to bring down our whole life's work. He previously went by the name of Z3R0 but changed it to 6R1N after he got his own posse. I want whoever this fucker is Alive,so I can tear that mask away and see who hides behind it.

Associations/Relationships: Aside from other members in the Dysko Club we don't know who else 6R1N is associated with. Figure it out, and we'll have some leverage in taking this fucking group down.

Other Notes: Proceed with caution when going after this guy. I'm serious. You don't lead a group of DJ's with the likes of Ki115wi7Ch, 8-Bit and God Forbid that Bitch 7R1xY in em without having some incredible fucking skills at Data Jacking. He's been seen hacking things using his fucking mind,no doubt using an NuI but something way more advanced than normal, meaning its custom. He's taken down whole units of my men,but refuses to use lethal force it seems. I can't stress this enough, be careful. You don't get to be called "The MacGyver Of DJ'ing" for no reason.

8-Bit: Real Name Unknown

Bio: 8-Bit. Nasty little shit who needs no introduction. This sonofabitch took down an entire crime syndicate by himself, and even collaborated with us once. Only for us to find out that he'd stolen nearly four hundred of our prototype blueprints while we weren't looking. Furthermore,He went on to cause the infamous Neo City power outage last year,when he hacked our main power grid and left us all in the dark for three entire weeks. Skilled DJ, A legend among the DJ community but not nearly as infamous as 6R1N despite being on the scene for a far longer time than he was. Still,I want this fucker too. His sister's even worse.

Associations/Relationships: His sister 7R1xY.

Adrian Nox A.K.A c1Ph3R (Cipher)

Bio: Adrain Nox, one of the few people in this club whose names we do know. Adrian once worked as a low time box lifter in the slums,till one day he got his hands on a holotop. Skip by a few years and Adrian Starts calling himself c1Ph3R, the newest hacker on the hack scene. His feats include stealing nearly forty two million tiles from his old boss, Maximillian O Riley, and throwing it all out across the slums of Neo City. Max went bankrupt and was found dead in his apartment a few weeks later. Adrian's been in hiding ever since,but he started resurfacing not long after Dysko Club started to gain popularity among the public. That's just too much of a coincidence.

Raven Willton A.K.A D3CrYPt (Decrypt)

Bio: We mostly know Raven through small whispers of the underground. She works for the Syndicate,that we know for sure, and because of that, she's a difficult woman to track down, And she's with TDC now. Her skills as a DJ are known throughout Neo City, and she's called on by some of the big players to handle their cyber security. Girl's got skills and apparently,the looks too.

Associations/Relationships: She's associated with the Syndicate,but that's about all we know about this little minx.

7R1xY: Sibling of 8-Bit. Trixy,as she calls herself, Is more than likely an alias rather than her real name. True Identity Unknown.

Bio: Ohhh do I have a serious axe to grind with this slut. 7R1xY is one of the best DJ's out there, and she knows it. She's also crazy. Seriously crazy. The girl was thrown into PenMax Mental Hospital's darkest depths simply because she's just batshit. She did,however,manage to escape. After her Elder brother 8-Bit pulled off his little power outage stunt, When the lights came back on, Her holding cell door was open and she was nowhere to be seen. Again, she resurfaced alongside her brother once Dysko Club gained some notoriety and it seems she hasn't looked back since.

Ki115w17Ch: Real name Unknown.

Bio: How this maniac even joined Dysko or why they even let him in, is beyond me. Ki115w17Ch is a DJ that takes great pleasure in the darker side of hacking. He's a DJ but he uses his DJ'ing skills for far more malicious purposes. He hacks traffic lights,causes accidents, turns the hover mode off of cars that are flying hundreds of feet up in the air, and he's always looking for creative ways to cause chaos. Be careful when hunting this group down if Ki115wi7ch is running with them.

Associations/Relationships: None that we know of.

Demi A.K.A Damonenblume

Bio: One of the baddest Assassins Neo City has to offer and the general supplier of the drug Jiggles, Demi is one woman I'd hate to cross in an alleyway at night, but you boys can take her. Unlike the rest of Dysko, she's not a hacker, she does help them with their getaways and eliminating their more aggressive competitors.


Bio: You remember Hal? The guy who failed? Whose head I put a bullet through? Well his girlfriend Lianna didn't take too kindly to me blowing a hole through her man's head and she somehow managed to find Dysko Club before us and join them instead of ratting them out. She doesn't hack like the rest and instead works alongside Demi to take down enemies of the group. Be careful with her. She's been trained just like you have, and she won't go down easy, but Mogwai does NOT tolerate traitors. Kill on sight.

7r0J4N (Trojan)

Bio: A new hacker that introduced himself oh so kindly during one of TDC's now infamous "Exposure" Videos wherein he exposed a child molester and ultimately got him killed by a local street gang. Not really much else to say. He's new to the game so...Shoot on sight.

That's it. That's all the information we have on these guys. You need to find their base of operations, and crush them. End it, because these fuckers are becoming a real threat to our company.

Briefing dismissed."

The hologram shut and the recruits all nodded, affirming that they'd all recorded the info down. I fucking hoped so.

"All of these guys wear masks except for Demi, Raven, Lianna and Adrian. We track those four down and we get them to work with us in finding the other members."

"Sir, won't it be difficult to find them? Demi and Raven run with the Syndicate, they've got some serious protection." A recruit asked.

"And we've got some serious firepower. A bunch of lowlife street gangbangers and hackers can't do shit to us."

"0h? W3 c4n'7 d0 4ny7h1n6?" A distorted voice said, with the numbers and letters appearing on screen.

"Le7'5 574R7 4 P-P-P-Paarrr7yyyy."

Let's start a party? What the fu-

I was off my feet. Suddenly I was falling, the recruits were as well. For a few brief seconds everything was slow motion. I noticed Grin's face replacing the projection, pixels flashing red and error signs appearing all round his mask.

It was the giant warning sign in red that made me fear for my life.

"Warning! Hover mode disengaged mid flight! Re-engaging, re-engaging"


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