Understanding Humans

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Knowledge is power,but Knowledge without Understanding, holds no power at all



I'd been with Raven and Demi for a week now. Funny. It felt like just yesterday when I hacked them. As promised I always checked to see that no one ever breached their holomonitor or had access to their private information. No one except me of course.

I continued to learn. Learning wasn't the issue,it was understanding what I was learning that was difficult. Mathematics was easy. One plus one is two. The easiest math equation in history. Maths did get progressively harder but for the most part the concept was simple. A question, or equation with a single definite solution. A mistake could be made or maybe a miscalculation but they can easily be fixed. Easy.

Subjects,english,languages, science. Easy to understand and learn. My biggest difficulties came when learning how to interact with humans. I found myself staying away from Raven and Demi, hiding myself away in the spare room they had given me, wasting days away looking for info on Mogwai Corp. I found small news articles online about new prototypes and projects in development, but they never disclosed any other information. I managed to take a look at their cyber security, for a few seconds before I was forced to leave. They would have detected my intrusion if I hadn't.

Regardless,their security was no joke, I was going to need more resources to break into their networks and get an idea of what they were up to.

Thankfully Demi was already working on getting me in touch with the main head of The Syndicate,which I didn't mind.

The sooner I gained access to better resources, the sooner I could find Alice. Or at least expose Mogwai corp for their corruption.

Mogwai Corp. Just one massive Megacorporation who held so much money that they, along with every other Mega corp out there basically ran the world.

Not even the government had the power that they did. I knew that. But the people? The people never knew that. Humans were easily influenced. Easily brainwashed.

Believing they were living their own life when in reality, their entire life was being guided, like puppets on a string each action they did,every breath they took wasn't an action performed of their own free will. I'm not talking about God, they were all slaves to the technology around them.

Technology was Jesus. The Corporations were the new God. Instead of getting people hooked on the lie of hope, they were being sucked into the ever-evolving sea of technology.

Technology had grown. In all the books I read in the library, that was the only thing that flourished. Technology grew, expanded, evolved. But humanity. Mankind didn't change. Greed. Hate. Prejudice. Racism. Phobia. Sexist. In the twenty two centuries that mankind had existed, the only thing they focused on improving was technology and not themselves.

I learnt about social media. I didn't understand it. Why would people do this? Some humans would post everything they did throughout their day on it. People would "like" images they found appealing. Some people posted naked images of themselves online, those seemed to generate the most amount of "likes". Some people spammed their followers with constant updates on what they were doing. What they ate, what time they woke up, telling them when they were going to sleep, their whole day, posted online for the entire world to see.

Privacy was non existent. Private accounts weren't so private. Not for me at least. They were fairly simple to hack into. Some private accounts held fascinating secrets. There was a woman who would dissect lizards live and thousands of people would watch it. During the 21st century there were a family known as the Kardashians and everyone constantly needed to know what they were up to. They were famous for no reason. Except for one who had gained notoriety for a sex tape.

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