Deep... too deep

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Hey guys, gals and non binary pals I'm finally back! the trip was very boring but still, I'm writing this story after I got back. Hope you enjoy!


Virgil's POV

 It was June, Pride month, the month I hate the most. It's not because I don't like the idea of it, it's just... I get really insecure about myself. I don't leave my room and I don't eat. Basically I just get really depressed.

Roman has been helping me a lot. Sometimes he stays with me so I can go to sleep faster. He cuddles with me after a nightmare and always finds a way to make me eat a little more. But I've been ignoring him recently.

I haven't slept in almost a week, the nightmares are unbearable this month so I avoid sleeping a lot. It's really hard.

˜le time skip˜ 

I was laying on my bed with music playing in my headphones so that I didn't fall asleep, but I was so exhausted I closed my eyes for a second and it was dark then the memories started to play. I couldn't stop them, the voices, stares, the insults I got after Thomas came out as gay. They started hitting me.

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I hated myself. Even though I had woken up the voices didn't go away, I was feeling too much, I wanted to be numb. I stood up and got my razor, and pressed hard on my arm, too hard. I saw the blood gushing out my arm. I had cut a vein! I pulled my sleeve down and went as fast as I could to Roman's room. He wasn't there. It was 9:00 pm so he could be in the kitchen.

I slowly made my way to the stairs, I heard voices from a movie. It was probably Roman. I was getting light headed and dizzy. My sleeve was dripping blood on the floor. I stood at the bottom of the stairs and saw the Roman and the others were watching a movie. I turned around and started to make my way up the stairs.

"Hey kiddo! Wanna join us?" Patton asked as he looked my way. I stopped moving.

"OH MY GOSH, VIRGIL WHAT HAPPENED TO YOUR ARM!" Patton shrieked staring at my arm that was dripping blood.

Roman rushed to me and picked me up bridal style and ran to his room with the others behind him. He set me down gently on his bed.

"Patton get me the first aid kit!" Roman said while he took off my hoodie and shirt revealing my cuts and scars to everyone in the room.

Patton gave the first aid kit to Roman while he stared at me with teary eyes.

Patton's POV

I watched Roman stitch, and bandage the cut on Virgil's arm. I stared at Virgil's bare chest and arms, they were full of cuts and scars. I started crying.

"Logan go wash Virgil's clothes please." Roman said still looking at Virgil. "And go get him some chocolate." He didn't seem shocked by the sight in front of him.

"Did... Did you know?" I asked with a shaky voice. He just nodded but he didn't look at me.

Logan came back with some chocolate for Virgil and noticed me crying. He hugged me tightly, I felt a few tears hit my shoulder. He was crying! I started sobbing.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Logan asked with a stern tone in his voice.

"He didn't want you to know" He responded while helping Virgil eat the chocolate. I heard him say something along the lines of 'you're doing great, please, just a little bit more, I'm so proud of you' to Virgil with worry clear in his voice. Virgil was crying softly on Roman shoulder whispering apologies to us.

"How can we help you?" I said softly looking at Virgil who only burred his face even more into Roman's shoulder.

"Please Virgil, you can talk to us, please." I begged him but he just he just cried more.

"Patton let him and Roman alone for a while. We all need to calm down." I nodded slowly and made my way outside, Logan behind me. He closed the door and hugged me again.

He took me to his room, still hugging me. He rubbed my back and kissed my head. We had been together for almost two years and knew how to comfort me.

Roman's POV 

I hugged Virgil tightly and let him cry not caring if my shirt was getting wet, I just wanted to be by his side and protect him.

"I-i-i-i am s-s-s- so sorry. I'm just a-a-a-a burden t-t-t to all of you." He said his voice breaking and stuttering.

"You don't have to be sorry, they're just really shocked, but... Have you talked to the therapist about how you feel?" I asked worried about him.

He shook his head in response and apologized even more.

"It's okay." I whispered in his ear and started rocking us back and forth while rubbing his back. I knew that that helped him calm down after a nightmare. He relaxed a little and wrapped his arms around my back. I laid down on the bed and he followed my actions and we cuddled for a bit until he was breathing normally.

"We need to talk to the others." I whispered.

"I know." He said into my chest getting closer to get some comfort. I rubbed his back with one hand and the other was petting his hair. I looked down and saw that his face was red, like really red. He's so cute! We fell asleep like that.

˜le time skip?˜

I woke up with Virgil hugging my chest tightly and my body moved on it's own and hugged him lovingly. 

I heard a knock on my door and heard someone open it slightly and peek inside. I turned my head and saw Patton.

"I just wanted to check up on you two." He said with a gentle smile but had red and puffy eyes from crying.

"We're alright, but are you? How's Logan?" I asked with a sleepy smile.

"I'm... Better. Logan is too." He responded, his smile breaking a little.

"Please don't make a big deal out of... Well you know. We can all talk later. Virgil just doesn't want anyone worrying about him. We can all help him together, okay?" I said to which he just nodded and closed the door. I heard him cry a little before going downstairs to make breakfast.

That was long, almost a thousand words! Maybe I'll write another chapter later at night. Bye guys!

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