It breaks my heart

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Roman's POV

I woke up at 5:00 am to soft crying. I think it's coming from Virgil's room. I stand up and make my way towards his door. I press my ear to it and hear crying. Is Virgil crying? Why? Did he have a nightmare?

"Hey, Virgil?" I ask and immediately hear the crying stop. "Are you okay? I heard you crying and thought you might had had a nightmare." Silence once again, not a single sound came from his room. I decided I should go in and check on him.

"I'm coming in."

"Wait!" I hear him say quite loudly. "I'm fine... I just... Banged my head on the wall really hard by accident." 

"Ohh... Do you want me to get you some ice for it?" I ask him through the door.

"No, I'm fine." He answers me.

I, still being worried about him hitting his head go to the kitchen to grab an ice pack and head back to his room. He was still softly crying, I guess he hit his head pretty hard. I open the door and enter his room. It was so messy, tissues all over the place, and was that a razor, on his desk! Before I could get any closer to it Virgil had noticed I was in his room and, out of shock, fallen out of his bed.

"What the hell are you doing here!" He half shouted at me.

"Shh, you'll wake the other. I just came here to treat your head." He looked at me slightly confused. "You hit your head..." Then he gave me a look of realization.

"Oh! Yeah, yeah."

"Something tells me you weren't crying because you hit your head." That's when I noticed that he wasn't wearing his hoodie and that under the covers, his arms were bare. That was my chance to check his arms. I walk over to him and grabbed the cover and took them off. That's when I saw them, hundreds of scars and cuts over his arms. That would explain the razor on his desk but why would he want to harm himself.

"Why?" I ask stunned at the image of him cutting his own skin. My heart ached, it felt like I had just been stabbed. Tears sting my eyes and I went over and gave him a hug.

"You wouldn't understand even if I told you." He whispered.

I couldn't say anything else, I was in shock. At that point Virgil started crying on my shoulder, I just held him closer and tighter, rocking our bodies back and forth. My heart was breaking, to think my Virgil had so much pain that he would resort to self harm to get rid of that pain.


This was super sad, it had me crying while I wrote it.

Broken (Prinxiety)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें