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3rd Persons POV

The girls had just landed in LA and are going to be there for almost two weeks. They are in LA to write some songs for their sixth album. Their 5th album, LM5, would be coming out in six days and the girls are all really excited for the fans to hear it.

Anna and Mackenzie have come along with the girls since they weren't going to be doing that many interviews, it was just going to be the girls in the studio the whole time.

The girls had arrived at their apartment for the next two weeks and they're really excited to all take a nap after their long flight.

"There are three rooms, two have queen sized beds that the girls and I are sharing and the other one has two twin beds that are for Mackenzie and Anna" Jesy says as she's about to open the apartment door.

"No fair. Why can't Kenz and I have a queen sized bed?" Anna complained. "Because you two are the smallest and fit better on a twin bed, now open the door I'm tired" Perrie whines causing everyone to laugh and Jesy lets them in.

Perrie and Leigh Anne are in one room while Jade and Jesy are in the other room with the queen sized beds. The girls unpack their clothes in the drawers and all decide to take a nap since they're jet lagged.

The only person that doesn't seem to be taking a nap is Anna. She's watching YouTube videos on her phone and it's really disturbing Mackenzie who is trying to sleep.

"Anna, can you lower that please or put on headphones?" Kenzie asks while turning over on her right side to face away from Anna, hoping that that'll make the noise lower.

"Aww does the baby need to take a nap?" Anna asks in a baby voice. Mackenzie groans and turns back over, "we're all trying to sleep except for you."

"I don't care, go sleep somewhere else" Anna says and she turns up her volume knowing it'll make Mackenzie even more mad.

"Watch YouTube somewhere else, the lounge is a great place to watch YouTube" Kenzie says annoyed as she points to the door.

"Not. Gonna. Happen" Anna says in a singsong  voice. Mackenzie groans and gets up from her bed to go sleep with someone else since Anna's being mean.

As Mackenzie's leaving, Anna decides she doesn't want to stop annoying Mackenzie so she grabs the pillow next to her and throws it at Mackenzie. The only problem is that the pillow missed Mackenzie and hit the lamp Mackenzie was walking past. When the lamp fell sideways, it hit Mackenzie and caused a scratch which caused her arm to start bleeding. The lamp fell onto the floor and the lightbulb shattered into a thousand pieces.

"Oww! What the heck, Anna?!" Mackenzie says annoyed as she sees her arm starting to bleed. It didn't hurt that much but it did sting.

The girls had heard the commotion and the lamp breaking so they went to investigate it. Just as Anna went to speak, Perrie, Jesy, Leigh Anne and Jade walked into the room.

"What is going on in here?!" Jesy asks sternly once they all see the broken lamp. The two girls don't say a word to the angry adults but Mackenzie does point to Anna.

That's when Jade had noticed Mackenzie's arm bleeding. "Oh babe, did the lamp hit you or was it Anna?" Jade asks as she rushes over and inspects Mackenzie's arm. Leigh Anne goes and gets a bandaid and rubbing alcohol for the wound.

"It hit me when it fell" was all that Mackenzie said. Anna was just watching them all help Mackenzie clean her cut and then place a bandaid over it.

"You young lady need to tell us what happened" Jesy says sternly pointing at Anna. Anna sheepishly laid back against the wall where her bed was, not wanting to tell the girls anything.

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