Work & Attitude

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Update - Thank you to everyone that commented on my last chapter about changing Mackenzie's age. I've decided to change her age down to 7 years old. I just felt like it would be a good idea to make her younger since she does act a bit younger than a ten year old would.

Jesy's P.O.V.

The girls and I are doing some press across European countries for the next week. We've decided to leave the girls at Perrie's house since her mum is already down here, she can watch the girls for us.

Unfortunately for Debbie, she's going to have to deal with Anna's attitude over the next week. I found out that her and Mackenzie had gone swimming from Perrie. I knew she was already punished but I decided to take her phone away.  Anna woke up in a terrible mood and has been being smart with me the whole day. She usually gets like that since all she wants is her phone.

"Anna! It's time to go!" I call from the stairs. I'm dropping her off at Perrie's house and we're all meeting up there and waiting for the taxi to take us to the airport.

Anna comes down with an annoyed face but I ignore it because I know she'll get herself into more trouble if I tell her to stop.

We both have our suitcases and make our walk over to Perrie's house. If you're wondering why Debbie is watching the girls and not André, Alex or Chris it's because the lads of Little Mix have decided to go on a holiday together, must be nice.

Once at Perrie's house, Mackenzie takes Anna up to her room since they're going to be sharing. I'm not sure if Debbie will allow it, especially because of Anna's attitude right now.

Speaking of Debbie, she's just walked into the house. She greets us all and takes a seat with us on the couch.

"Are you ready to take care of these two lovely ladies?" Jade asks Debbie, causing her to laugh.

"They are lovely but I'm not sure about a whole week. I know Mackenzie is fairly good but Anna can be a lot" Debbie says.

"That she is, she's had an attitude all day with me" I say as I rub my forehead just thinking about it.

"Why? What happened?" Leigh Anne asks.
"She just woke up with an attitude and has been being smart with me so I took her phone away for longer and that made it worse" I tell them all.

"Oh I feel bad for you, mam" Perrie says to Debbie, "You and me both pet" Debbie says.

"The taxi should be here in five minutes, let's say goodbye to the girls" Leigh Anne suggests and we all stand up and call the girls downstairs.

Anna and Mackenzie hug everyone goodbye and then I pull Anna over to the side to speak with her privately.

"Please be good for Debbie. I don't want to hear anything negative from her about you. If that does happen, I'm sure she'll punish you but, depending on what you do, your phone is going away for longer" I say sternly.

For her I only spank her for big things but for little things, spankings just don't work like they do for Mackenzie, so taking her phone away is the best option. Usually Anna does come around after her annoyed faze passes.

She just nods her head in response and we go back to the girls. The taxi arrives and we say goodbye to Debbie before leaving.

Debbies P.O.V.

"Alright ladies! Party time!" I say cheerfully. Mackenzie seems to be the only excited one.

"Okay well, you ladies have school work to get done so go sit in the kitchen and start" I instruct them.

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