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Third Persons P.O.V.

Mackenzie had been feeling sick all day. She had a massive headache and when it finally stopped, her stomach began to hurt. She didn't tell the girls though. Kenzie had finished school really early. She stayed in bed most of the day.

Mackenzie was really bored and decided to do extra days of school so she could finish the year earlier. By the time dinner was ready, Mackenzie had finished 4 days of school.

"We're having dinner babe" Jade said as she walked into Mackenzie's room. Mackenzie held her arms up to be held.

"You can walk Kenzie." Jade laughed, Kenzie pouted and shook her head. "Ah fine" jade said and she lifted Mackenzie onto her hip. Mackenzie rested her head onto Jade's shoulder.

Jade placed Kenzie in her normal seat and sat down in her own seat. The girls were eating lasagna for dinner.

Mackenzie loves lasagna, but with her stomach hurting, she didn't feel like eating. She just drank her water while the girls talked.

"Kenzie eat your dinner please." Jesy said sternly. Kenzie shook her head. The girls just thought Mackenzie was being stubborn so they told her off.

"Mackenzie you have to eat." Perrie said sternly. Mackenzie shook her head again. Her stomach was hurting more and more. All she wanted to do was go to bed.

"Mackenzie! You don't tell us no. You have to eat your dinner." Leigh Anne said sternly. Mackenzie tried to eat, but she just couldn't. She swallowed a few bites, but then stopped.

"Mackenzie this is your final warning. Either you eat your dinner and be a good girl or you can eat your dinner with a sore bum." Jesy said sternly. Mackenzie shook her head again.

Jesy had enough of what she thought was Kenzie's stubbornness. She went over to Kenzie's seat and lifted her up by her arm.


Jesy landed hard smacks on Kenzie's bum. This caused Mackenzie to full on cry. Usually a few smacks weren't that bad for her. She might've shed a few tears, but this time she was too tired and wasn't feeling well at all. The spanks didn't help her at all. They made her feel much worse.

"What's wrong?" Jesy asked concerned. She knew that five smacks wouldn't cause Mackenzie to full on cry.

"M-My s-stomach.." Kenzie cried through her tears. "Oh baba, does your stomach hurt?" Perrie asked. Mackenzie nodded her head. Jesy lifted Kenzie onto her hip and rubbed her back. The girls tried calming Mackenzie down. They had no idea her stomach hurt.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Jade asked and Mackenzie shrugged her shoulders. She didn't really know why. Leigh had gone upstairs to grab Kenzie's lamb. She came back down and handed it to Mackenzie.

"T-Thank y-you" Kenzie said as Leigh handed her lamb to her. Kenzie cried into her lamb. The girls felt really bad for being harsh with Mackenzie.

"Let's get you some medicine." Jesy said, this caused Mackenzie to furiously shake her head.

"It'll make you feel better babe." Jade said. Jesy put Mackenzie down on the island and grabbed some medicine.

At that moment, Mackenzie felt that she needed to throw up. "I have to throw up." Kenzie said quietly, but the girls heard her. Perrie carries Kenzie into the bathroom. She lifted the toilet seat up and pulled back Kenzie's hair.

Life With Little Mix (Spanking Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora