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Mackenzie's P.O.V.

It's a rainy, gloomy day outside and all I want to do is play football outside. But of course I can't because of the stupid rain. Alex was going to come over and play with me, but it's raining and he has an indoor training to go to.

I get tired of laying in bed on my phone so I decide to go downstairs with my football. Maybe the girls will let me play outside in the rain. "Perrie, can I play football outside?" I ask with puppy dog eyes so she'll say yes. "Don't give me those eyes, it's raining and you could get hurt. I don't want you hurting your ankle again" Perrie says, referring to when I hurt my ankle a few months ago from slipping on the wet trampoline.

"But Perrie, I'll be super super careful! I promise!" I plead but she doesn't buy it. "There's no way I'm having you get hurt" Perrie says. "But I'm bored and Alex was supposed to come and play football with me" I complain.

"You know he would be here if he could but he's busy and you two wouldn't be playing at all because of the rain" Perrie says. "Why don't you watch a movie or something?" Leigh Anne suggests. I groan, "but I wanna play football."

"Well you can't play outside and you're definitely not playing inside so go find something to do please" Perrie says probably annoyed that I keep bothering her.

I go to the basement where the movie room is and another lounge is. I decide to just play football down here. The girls won't hear anything and they barely ever come down so they'll never know.

I start playing football by myself and I use the couch as my goal. If I hit the bottom of the coach, it's a goal. I know that's stupid because the couch is long but eh it's fine.

All of a sudden, I accidentally kick the ball up with my foot and the ball hits the lightbulb. Uh-oh...

I quickly move out of the way so the glass doesn't go near me. I could just leave the lightbulb where it is but my football is in the middle of the glass and I'm not about to risk getting glass in my foot just to get my ball.

I know that no one heard the glass fall because one, the girls are playing music and two, because the basement is semi sound proof so it's hard to hear anything from upstairs.

I know I'm going to be in a lot of trouble but I can't just leave the glass there. What if someone's walking in the middle of the night? They won't know there's glass there and my football will give it away that I caused it.

I quickly go upstairs and find Perrie. I know she'll be really mad at me but I need her comfort right now. I know what I did was naughty but I was really bored and needed something fun to do.

I find Perrie folding the clothes in the laundry room and that's when I felt tears build up in my eyes. Why couldn't I just listen to the girls! I wouldn't be in trouble if I had just watched a movie. Perrie must've felt someone watching her so she looked up from folding the clothes and saw me standing there crying.

"Oh baba, what's wrong?" She asks concerned as she comes over to me and hugs me. She rubs my back so my tears would stop. "What's the matter?" Jade asks once she sees Perrie comforting me. That causes me to start crying even more. "Jadey, can you give Kenzie and I some time alone?" Perrie asks, probably sensing that having Jade there made me feel worse. Jade nods her head and gives me a kiss before leaving Perrie and I.

"P-Promise you w-won't be mad" I stutter as I try building up the courage to tell Perrie what happened.

Perrie's P.O.V.

"P-Promise you w-won't be mad" Kenzie stutters. I pull away from our hug, "I can't promise that sweetie. Just tell me what's happened and I'll help you fix it" I say. Mackenzie doesn't like that answer though and her cries get much worse. She tries to cuddle back into my arms but I stop her from doing so.

"Mackenzie, you need to tell me what happened. I can help you but you're making it worse by not telling me" I say sternly. Kenzie continues to cry and starts sobbing, I'm not sure why she's so upset about whatever happened. She's never done anything that bad before so I'm not sure why she's upset.

"Please promise you won't be mad" Mackenzie managed to get out in between sobs. "No Mackenzie. I can't promise you that" I say sternly again.

"Please Perrie! Please!" Mackenzie begs. I couldn't be stern with her anymore after hearing her cries, so I allowed her to cuddle into me. I  got up and placed her on my hip. I let her cry into my shoulder and I rubbed her back.

After a few minutes, her sobs turned into sniffles and she was a lot calmer now. "Do you want to tell me what's happened now?" I ask softly and Mackenzie slowly nods her head. "Downstairs t-the, um, the light, I broke it" she says quietly, looking down at her hands.

I was a bit shocked when she said that, she obviously couldn't have broken it herself. "And how did you manage to do that?" I asked curiously. "I was playing football downstairs" Mackenzie mutters quietly, but I still heard her. I can't believe she played football in the house after I told her many times not too!

"Mackenzie Grace! How many times have I told you not to play football in the house?!" I ask angrily. I was furious that she had played indoors and now what happened, the lights broken.

Mackenzie's P.O.V.

I knew Perrie would be really mad which she is but I wasn't prepared for her yelling at me. I have more important things to worry about like how my bums going to be sore for the next few days.

"Perrie, I'll spank her. You're a bit too mad right now" Jade says to Perrie when she comes into the room. Perrie leaves and it's just Jade and I now.

"I'm really really sorry! I was just so bored and it's raining so I couldn't play outside and I didn't mean for it to happen but it just did!" I say quickly and I start working myself up. Jade kneels down to my height and rubs my back. "It's okay sweetie, it's just a lightbulb. We can easily get another one. And the girls and I know you didn't mean it it's just that Perries a bit more upset because she was also looking forward to seeing Alex today so she's a bit mad" Jade tells me and I nod my head understanding.

"Now, I want you to go wait in the corner of your room. I'll be up there in a minute" Jade says, I nod my head and sadly walk upstairs to my room.

I only have to wait in the corner for a few minutes before Jade comes into my room. "You can come out now" Jade says, I turn around and walk over to my bed where Jade was. "You know what you did wrong so I won't lecture you, but the girls and I aren't mad anymore so you don't have to be so upset" Jade says as she wipes a tear from my cheek. I nod my head sadly and go over her knee. I saw she had the wooden spoon by her side so I knew she was going to use it.


Jade warmed my bum up with her hand and then there was a pause so I'm assuming she's going to use the spoon now. I was only crying a little from her hand.


When the spanking was over, I was crying over Jade's knee. She scooped me up and cuddled me into her. After a few minutes, Jade brought me downstairs and I apologised to the other girls while they were cleaning up the glass. When they were done, we all watched some tv together and relaxed at home.

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