Dance Trouble

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Third Persons P.O.V.

Mackenzie was at dance in ballet class. She really hates ballet and the teacher. He's mean and strict. All the girls in her class hated him.

The girls were working on some leaps because they had a ballet recital coming up in a few weeks. There were quite a lot of leaps in the dances. Mackenzie needed to go to the bathroom, but she knew her dance teacher wouldn't like that. He's very strict and sometimes wouldn't let his students use the bathroom.

Mackenzie decided to try anyways, she raised her hand before it was her turn to go. "Yes Mackenzie?" Her dance teacher, Mr.Christian asked. "May I go to the bathroom?" Mackenzie asked as politely as possible. She didn't want to make him mad.

"Yes quickly, we have a recital coming up." He said clapping his hands at a fast pace. Mackenzie went out of the room and used the bathroom. She spent probably three minutes in there.

She came back to a stern looking Christian. "Where have you been?" He asked sternly.
"I was in the bathroom sir" Mackenzie said scared. "Why did you take so long?" He asked annoyed.

Mackenzie was very confused, "I-I don't think I t-took that long." Mackenzie stuttered.
"I think you did, practice your leaps and then you can sit for the rest of practice. I'll be calling your guardians after class" He said sternly.

Mackenzie was really scared and confused, she hadn't done anything wrong. She was in the bathroom for 3 minutes, it wasn't that long.

She practiced her leaps and then sat down. She watched the other girls perform their leaps. Then they went on to turn for the rest of the class.

Soon class was over. Mackenzie's friends were talking to her and were scared for her. They all agree that she hadn't done anything wrong. They watched as Mr.Christian walked out of the dance studio while talking to someone on the phone, most likely Jesy.

The girls got ready for their next and final class which was acro. They loved acro and had a great teacher named Mr.Logan. Kenzie forgot all about what happened during her ballet class. Acro class was always full of laughter and jokes.

Sadly the class was soon over. Mackenzie and her friend Lily got their dance bags and waited for one of their parents to come get them. They talked amongst themselves for a few minutes. Soon Lily's dad came and got her. The two girls said goodbye and Kenzie waited for a few more minutes until she saw Jesy's car pull up.

She went outside and got into Jesy's car. "Hey Jesy" Mackenzie says cheerfully. Jesy doesn't respond. Mackenzie's confused by this, what had she done. "What's wrong?" She asked.

"You know very well what you did during ballet class today" Jesy said sternly. "W-What d-did he tell you?" Mackenzie asked.

"We'll discuss this at home. I'm really upset at your behavior" Jesy said sternly and sighed. Mackenzie felt tears coming down her cheeks, she hadn't done anything.

The girls arrived home and Jesy grabbed Kenzie's arm and dragged her into Jesy's room.
Kenzie was dragged to Jesy's bed. Jesy had her hands on her hips.

"Do you have an explanation for your behaviour?" Jesy asked sternly, Mackenzie shook her head. Jesy slapped Kenzie's thigh.

"No I don't" Kenzie said as she rubbed her thigh that was just hit. "What did he tell you?" Kenzie asked.

"During class today you went to the bathroom without permission and you also took twenty minutes. I know you don't like ballet, but you've never done something like that so why would you do that now?" Jesy asked sternly.

"That's not what happened!" Kenzie told her in shock. "He's lying, I asked him to use the bathroom and he said yes. I probably took 5 minutes" Kenzie said getting frustrated.

"I don't think he would lie Mackenzie. You're not one to lie either, what's gotten into you?" Jesy asked with disappointment in her voice.

"Nothing and I'm not lying" Kenzie says. Jesy then pulled Mackenzie over her lap after she sat down on her bed. Jesy pulled Kenzie's dance shorts down.

"Jesy no! I didn't do anything wrong!" Mackenzie yelled. Jesy began to spank Mackenzie.


"Do not tell me no young lady" Jesy said sternly and continued spanking her.


"Don't you dare lie again" jesy said


Kenzie laid over Jesys lap sobbing. She hadn't done anything wrong, but Jesy didn't believe her. She couldn't believe that Jesy believed Mr.Christians word over hers. Jesy even said Mackenzie wasn't one to lie. Mackenzie barely ever lies so why would she now?

When Jesy stopped the spanking after five more smacks, she tried to pull Mackenzie into a hug, but Mackenzie wouldn't let her. Instead, Mackenzie ran upstairs into her room and cried in her bed.

A few hours later, dinner was ready. The girls had all tried to go into Mackenzie's room to talk to her, but Kenzie wouldn't let them.

"Mackenzie we're having dinner!" Leigh shouted from the bottom of the stairs. Nothing happened. Leigh went up to Kenzie's room to try to talk to her. Mackenzie wanted someone to cuddle so she let Leigh Anne in. Leigh Anne saw Mackenzie had tears running down her face and her eyes were red.

"Oh baba, what's the matter?" Leigh said as she picked Kenzie up and cuddled her. "J-Jesy" Kenzie cried.

"I know she spanked you baby. She's spanked you before. What's wrong with this time?" Leigh asked the crying nine year old.

"Mr.Christian l-lied. H-He let me g-go to the b-bathroom and I-I did but o-only for f-five minutes" Kenzie stuttered through her tears.

Leigh finally put it together. She did have trouble believing what Jesy had told her, as did all the other girls. Jesy said she was shocked too. "Why would he do that?" Leigh asked.

"I don't know, h-he's a meanie" Kenzie said pouting, Leigh knew who Mr.Christian was and she didn't like him. She knew that he was a mean and strict older man.

Leigh brought Kenzie down and explained to Jesy and the girls what really happened. Jesy instantly felt bad for not believing Kenzie and spanking her.

"Baby I'm so so sorry I didn't believe you" jesy said and she rubbed Kenzie's back who was still in Leigh's arms.

"I-it's o-okay" Kenzie said, she was still crying. "No baby it's not, I'm really sorry I spanked you. I should've believed you. Can you please forgive me?" Jesy asked, she really did feel guilty about spanking Kenzie over nothing.

"I f-forgive you" Kenzie said and she shifted towards Jesy, wanting to be held my her. "Don't you think your too old to be held?" Jade playfully asked.

"Nope! I'll never be too young" Kenzie said happily. All the girls laughed and they ate dinner. Kenzie refused to sit in her own chair, she wanted to cuddle jesy for as long as she could. She has been getting more attached to the girls. Jesy was fine with it and Kenzie ate her dinner on Jesys lap.

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