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Perrie's P.O.V.

I had just got off the phone with my team, Leigh-Anne, and Jade. Leigh-Anne and I both got to tell them the good news that we are both pregnant! I was so nervous to tell people because it had been mine and Alex's secret for a couple of weeks now. We haven't told Mackenzie yet but we're going to have to soon before I really start to show. Leigh-Anne and I agreed we would tell the fans later on in our pregnancy just incase.

Alex and I had decided that tonight would be a good night to tell Mackenzie. Alex had taken her to dance right before I had my business meeting. Mackenzie and Alex had become really close recently, she even started calling him daddy which made my heart melt. I knew it made Alex feel the same way, he's going to be such a great dad, he's already amazing with Mackenzie.

It was my turn to pick up Mackenzie from dance so I headed out to the car and began my drive to the studio. Once I had arrived, I saw Mackenzie talking to her dance teacher outside of the studio. I parked the car and walked over to them.

Once Mackenzie saw me, she ran up to me and hugged me. "Oh hello my baby, how was your day?" I asked once she pulled away. "It was good. Mummy, my teacher wants me to compete again!" Mackenzie says excitedly.

That's when her teacher stepped in, "Uh yes, there's a competition next weekend that I would really like Mackenzie to compete in. She has a solo she's already learned that she's done beautifully so many times. I think she could win a title. She's also in the group number and a duet and trio. I know she stopped competing but maybe she could just go for this one?" Her dance teacher suggests.

I'm not sure how I feel about Mackenzie competing again. She's very hard on herself and competitive so it wasn't always the best environment for her. But she did seem super excited about the idea. "I'll have a chat with her about it later, thank you" I tell her. She nods and says, "that's the form for the competition that you'll need to sign if she does end up competing." She says and points to the paper in Mackenzie's hand.

I nod my head and we part ways and head to the car. "You want to compete again, Baba?" I ask during the drive home. "Yeah but I-I don't know" Mackenzie says unsurely.

"Well baby, it's your decision. Do you just want to try this one out and see how it goes?" I ask. "Mhm" she responds and I see her look down at the paper from my rear view mirror.

Once we get home, I decide to start making dinner. Alex had a meeting with his team after he dropped Mackenzie off but will be back for dinner. That would be when him and I tell Mackenzie I'm pregnant.

"Kenzie, go change" I say once we entered the house. She responds with an okay and goes upstairs to her room. She had put the paper for me to sign on the kitchen counter. I decide to look over it. I notice where Mackenzie's name is meant to be it says Mackenzie Chamberlain. I could tell it was written in Mackenzie's handwriting, which made me tear up. Alex and her had been best buddies from the beginning and she was finally comfortable with him acting as her parent. It made my heart swell and I knew Alex would love to see it.

An Hour Later

I had finished making dinner and Alex had gotten home a few minutes ago. He went to take a shower before dinner. I decided to check up on Mackenzie because she hadn't come out of her room since she came home.

"Kenzie, we're going to have dinner now" I tell her, "okay" she responds and we walk downstairs together. I see Alex setting the table for dinner. "Oh hello there Miss Mackenzie. I came home and you didn't even say hello" Alex says faking being upset.

"Sorry daddy!" Mackenzie says and gives him a bug hug. I laugh at them and we eat dinner. I started telling Alex about how Mackenzie was asked to compete next weekend. I also showed him the paper that Mackenzie wrote her last name as Chamberlain and he started to tear up.

"What's wrong, daddy?" Mackenzie asks confused. "Nothing baby, nothing" Alex says, we finish eating and clear off the table.

"Mackenzie, stay there please. Alex and I have something we need to tell you" I say when I see Mackenzie head towards the lounge, she stops and then returns back to the table.

Once I've finished cleaning up, Alex and I sat at the table across from Mackenzie. "So, Alex and I have been keeping a secret for almost two months now. You know how my cousin was pregnant last year, baby?" I ask, Mackenzie nods her head so I continue, "Well, I'm pregnant. That means you're going to have a baby brother or sister." I say.

Alex and I were very nervous about how Mackenzie would take it. But our worries went away once we saw a big smile on Mackenzie's face. "Yay! W-When's the baby coming?! Is it a boy or a girl?" She asks excitedly visibly energized and happy.

"Woah woah, calm down baby. The baby isn't coming for a few more months and we aren't sure yet what the sex is. But we can't tell anyone yet, we're going to wait to tell the fans" I tell her.

"Yayy! Where is their nursery going to be? Can I share a room with them?!" Mackenzie asks excitedly.  Alex and I laugh, "No, baby. You're going to be too old and their too young to share a room with. The baby's nursery will be beside our room" Alex responds. 

"Do you have names picked out yet?" Mackenzie asks, we probably shouldn't have told her this news right before bed as she kept on asking questions and was very excited about the news. But I suppose I'd prefer this reaction than if she were crying and upset about having a baby brother or sister.

An Hour Later

We were all cuddled up on the couch watching Elf. Mackenzie was being very cute and rubbing my belly. "Mummy?" She asks looking up at me with her tired blue eyes. "Yes princess?" I ask as I play with her hair.

"What if I'm not good at it?" She asks as she cuddles her dumbo teddy close. "Not good at what?" I asked confused. "Being a big sister" she tells me. My heart breaks. "Oh baba, you're going to be the best big sister, I promise. You're already so excited to meet them and you're a very sweet girl. You'll know what to do" I tell her.

She nods her head softly and turns back to the movie. After the movie is finished, Alex and I take a very sleepy Mackenzie back to her room for bed.

Alex gently sets her down on her bed and lays the covers on top of her. "Goodnight, baba" Alex says and kisses her forehead. "Nanite daddy" Mackenzie yawns. I give Mackenzie a kiss and say Goodnight as well. She says Goodnight back and sits up to kiss my belly bump, "Goodnight baby." She says and then lays back down in her bed.

Alex and I looked at each other happily. There were tears in my eyes already. She's going to be a great big sister, I already know it. Alex and I left her room and made our way to our own and cuddled in bed before drifting off to sleep.

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