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A/N: I was going to have COVID-19 be apart of the book but I've decided it would be easier to have it not exist in my book anymore.

Third Persons P.O.V.

It was now Christmas Eve and Anna had been living with Alex and Perrie for a few weeks now. It had been going well but Anna hadn't had time to vape in a long time. She would usually do it when she was by herself in her room. This habit started when she moved in with Alex and Perrie, she's not sure why but she feels very anxious there, not like how she felt when she lived with Jesy.

Now Anna couldn't do it as Debbie, Wendy, Jonnie, and Ellie were visiting for Christmas. It was impossible to sneak off without someone noticing but Anna was starting to get addicted to it. She had started it three months ago when her anxiety was really bad. One of her friends from school suggested it to her and gave her his to try. After that, Anna used it every time she was anxious and it worked. But now she needed a hit all the time. If she didn't, her anxiety would worsen.

(a/n: I'm not trying to judge anyone or anything like that, but if you vape, please note that it is very bad for you and has nicotine in it. Yes it helps with anxiety, but it is not worth the time or money.)

Everyone was in the lounge watching a Christmas film as it was the afternoon on Christmas Eve. Debbie and Wendy were going to make dinner tonight and then Perrie would tomorrow night as she enjoys doing it, although it's very stressful.

Anna was fidgeting the entirety of the movie and was desperate to get away. "Are you alright, Anna?" Perrie asks worriedly as she sees the anxious look on Anna's face.

"Hmm? Oh yeah! I'm fine, I just think I'm going to go upstairs for a few minutes" Anna says as she quickly leaves the lounge. "Erm, okay?" Perrie says confused.

Anna rushes up to her room and immediately takes the vape hidden under her pillow. She takes a few hits and is able to calm down. What she didn't notice was Debbie standing in her doorway for the last few minutes. She had gone up to check on Anna and was shocked at what she was witnessing.

Debbie tried to remain calm but truthfully she didn't know what to do. She had to tell Perrie but she knew Perrie would be furious with Anna. Debbie decided she was going to have to punish Anna herself and tell Perrie afterwards.

"Anna Jane! What do you think you're doing?!" Debbie says sternly as she enters Anna's room. Anna, shocked by Debbie suddenly bursting into her room, immediately drops her vape and tries to hide it in her duvet covers.

"Enough of that, I already saw. What were you thinking?! You know how bad vaping is for you!" Debbie scolds sternly. Anna shrinks back and nods her head. She does know how bad it is but she just couldn't stop.

"How are you even getting them? And how long have you been doing this?!" Debbie asks firmly. "M-My friend g-gets them for me. It's only been a few months" Anna says quietly and avoiding eye contact with Debbie.

"Well your friend isn't going to be getting them for you any longer. Take out all the ones you had, we're throwing them away" Debbie sternly says putting her hands on her hips. Anna freezes on her bed and can't seem to move to do as she's told. Debbie bends down to Anna's eye level, "Now. Anna." She says firmly.

Anna snaps out of it and is able to pull out a whole bin full of vapes she previously used. It was under her bed waiting for a good time to throw them out without being caught but now that didn't matter.

Debbie's eyes widen, she doesn't say anything but Anna knows she's disappointed in her. "Go downstairs, get a trash bag and the wooden spoon" Debbie says calmly. Anna's heart skips a beat at the thought of everyone knowing she would be getting spanked when she only brings up the wooden spoon to her room.

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