Chapter 9 | Devil

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*Alex's POV*

"Police say that Alex Camo, better known as the Midnight Man has escaped somehow in the night. So far there has been no killings reported, and no reported findings. If you see a caucasian man between 5'8" and 6', dark brown short to medium hair, short beard and mustache, and a sporty build please call in and report. Here is a picture to go off of if you do see him."

I turned the TV off, disgusted as I'm sat in the dingy motel room. If they hadn't of reported I'd be free to roam and find my future husband. Be able to finally take him from that Irish boy and his three pals. Finally fall in love, get married. He is going to be mine.

"They turned on all the emergency system cameras." I say to an unconscious Rye.

He had been unconscious for a few hours now. Having been from the lack of food or lack of water or the electric pulses I didn't know. But I didn't know if I could risk getting him anything. Especially now that I suspected that they identified who I truly was.

"Yet they still haven't found us." I smirk, running my fingers through his hair.

His head was beginning to burn as a fever spiked. Placing a kiss on his forehead before I snuck out of the place we were hiding. Working on avoiding all the cameras as I made my way toward the gymnasium. Watching passerby's before I grabbed one. Not having the chance to say much as I covered her mouth and plugging her nose.

"Now you aren't going to say a word. What you're going to do is get me food and water, and I might let you survive. If you refuse, I will kill you on the spot. Got it." I hiss into her ear.

She nods quickly and I let her go. Watching her head toward the canteen area. I watch the rest of the people, searching the crowd for Rye's boyfriend. Smiling proudly at myself for how weak and broken he looks without Rye. Rye will be mine once he figures out what I'm doing is his best interest.

"H-here." The girl states, shakily handing me what I asked her for.

Putting them in my bag I turn back to her with a smile. Motioning for her to come closer before I quickly slash her throat with my knife. But she doesn't scream. Instead dropping to the floor, tears slowly slipping down her cheeks before her body slumps. Blood slowly making a pool around her. Stroking her cheek softly.

"Such a good girl." I praise, before slipping away to where Rye is.


*Rye's POV*

I groaned, my eyes opening but everything was blurry. I felt the need to throw up but there was nothing in my system to throw up.

"You're awake." A voice calls out quietly.

"Why?" Was my response, curling up a bit on the hard ground.

"Rye you belong with me. I was protecting you." Alex comes into view now, reaching out to stroke my cheek but I flinch away.

"I don't belong to anyone. I'm with Jack." I state weakly, pushing myself further from Alex only to run into a wall.

"Why don't you see what I did was for you. I protected you for years." Alex pleads almost manically.

"You killed innocent people Alex. You didn't protect me at all." I growl back.

"They weren't innocent." Alex screams now, throwing something against the wall and I flinch.

"Yes. They. Were." I punctuate my words, spewing them like venom.

"They all would have raped you."

Silence falls between us as I try my best to keep my mouth shut. Alex grips my chin roughly now, forcing me to look at him. I hold back a cry, not wanting to show weakness. Choosing to spew out words that would probably eventually get me killed. Not like I wasn't going to be killed anyways.

"Like you will eventually. You already assaulted me." 

I see his face grow pale and he falls back to the ground. Leaning against the wall behind him. A mixture of shock and fear in his eyes. Something he had never shown before. But I couldn't let my guard down. Showing vulnerability or not, he was not human in my eyes. No man who can kill without remorse is nothing but the devil himself. He begins to tremble before shoving a bag toward me.

"Eat and drink. You are weak." He speaks quietly.

"I'd rather die."

I told you Rye is strong. He can make it through this! Hopefully they find him soon.

Update on life: I haven't had a headache at least nothing more than a very minor dull headache since the doctors helped stop the continuous one. School is going alright. I've now been at my job I work at for over three years now. Only thing that's stressful right now is my nightmares are back, and they're causing sleep paralysis. But they'll hopefully go away soon. Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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