Character Q&A

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How do you truly feel about Jack and Rye being together

At first I can honestly say I really didn't like it. Especially since Jack had been one of my partners already after his last partner did what he did. I was scared to let him possibly be hurt again. And I really didn't trust Rye all that much. But now I see that they're truly meant for each other. And there's no one else I'd want to see Jack with.


how do you feel when you're with jack?

Safe. That's almost the only word that can describe the feeling. I was able to open up to him. He protects me. From the outside world. And the demons in my head.

would you ever consider being kinda part of Andy, brooky, and Sonny's relationship with jack?

I'm a really really possessive person I won't lie. So the thought of Jack loving someone other than me is kind of hard. But I know that he loves them in a way still. Although my eyes are only set on Jack and I don't know if I could do that. You know?


you like being with the boys?

I love it honestly. Me and Andy had known each other for a long while. A little after Brook came into his life. I went off and had some monogamous relationships before them. But then I started hanging around with Brook and then sometimes with Andy. So when they asked me to join I was all in. They're my support system. Literally my everything.

how are you feeling about rye? is him being missing affecting you or your relationships with the other boys at all?

I'm worried sick about him to be honest. And I know that Jack is struggling massively with it. So Andy and Brook are helping him through it. But they aren't leaving me out. We're just all really concerned and worried. Especially since we don't know what it's going to be like when they do find Rye again. It's taking a toll on all of us.


do you want to be included in andy's poly relationship again and would you want rye to be as well?

As much as I love that blonde headed idiot, I don't love him in that way anymore. Andy was there for me after my ex committed. He helped me through so much. And we may still have a physical aspect to our relationship. But I don't think I could consider him or Brook or Sonny as more than friends anymore. I love Rye. And I'm very focused on my baby boy.


Bitch. Why you do dat? You know exactly what I'm talking about. Period!

Honestly- I just wasn't thinking at the moment in time. I was so upset over them both ending it with me, even Sonny that I just lashed out. Which shouldn't be an excuse. I have anger issues and I've taken therapy for it now.


how does andy help you with your anxiety?

Well this is... embarrassing. Quite similar to Jack actually. Loads of kisses until I fall asleep. Or if it gets to much he'd fuck it out of me. But we've also in the past year or so have learned other ways to work on it. He helps me talk through my thoughts to rationalize them. I may actually get a job eventually one day with my boyfriends help.


Why the fuck do you think killing everyone... including Rye's boyfriend... will make him fall in love with you? Are you slow? Sped? Retarded? Demonic? Seriously kid

I kill them for him. I make sure that each person who dies deserves it. Whether they're hurting him in some way. Or not helping make sure he's ok. He's my number one priority. And if someone gets in that way they deserve death. Including that damn Irish idiot. Then he'll be thankful for it. Once he's seen that I've done whats best for him.

WHAT THE HELL?!?! Why the heck are you back to traumatize poor little Rye more than he already is huh? You're actually completely our of your mind if you think he'll be willing to date you after that! So yeah, like, what the hell is happening in your brain, for you to even think it might make him like you?

Rye will eventually understand what I am doing is in his best interest. I'm protecting him and he'll be thankful for it one day. He'll want to be with me. I just want to make sure Rye is safe. And if that means doing what I'm doing than so be it.


How are you such an amazing writer cause whenever you post I always get excited xx

Honestly have no idea! Most of my writing came naturally and only got better through practice! So glad that you love it so much though!

Why are you so awesome at writing? It's fucking annoying

Practice practice practice!

Are Rye and Jack also included in Andy, Sonny, and Brooks' relationship?

It may seem like that because of the way Fovvs is with Jack. But no. Jack used to be part of their relationship prior to Rye but Rye is too possessive.

Would you ever include Rye and Jack in Andy, Brook, and Sonnys' relationship cause I'd really like to see that.

Like I said before, Rye is too possessive for that. And Jack only has eyes for his baby boy. Not that Jack didn't love Andy and Brook at one point but now it's more of a family kind of love.

So thank you to everyone who participated! I've never done something like this before and really enjoyed it! Peace and love, see you on the stupid side x

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