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“So, here’s what happened,” Jungkook started to say while he was sitting on the couch. The five of us were sitting on the floor forming a semicircle, paying close attention to what he said, like a bunch of kids. “Jaehyun called me saying that an explosion happened at Namjoon’s house, aka his quartel, and that he was dead.”

“Dead??” Jimin and Hoseok spoke in unison and the rest of us said “Shhhh!”

 “So I went there to check, along with some other dealers as far as I could see. Apparently, someone planted a bomb at his house that exploded around 5AM. Until now the firemen were scouring the place, trying to figure out what had happened. They found two dead bodies and one of them had a golden tooth.”

“Woooooow.” the boys and I said at the same time.

“By the time that the bomb went off, we think it was
probably some rival or an act of revenge, because usually, at 5AM there’s only Namjoon and his bodyguard in the house. Everyone who works for him is finishing their job on the streets or is at home already.”

“And??” Yoongi asked curiously.

“Any suspects??” Jimin questioned.

“Not yet. But I talked to Jin since he was there too,
not looking good, I must say. He has no clue of who would be able to do this, cuz Namjoon had many enemies.”

“What is Jin gonna do now?” Tae enquired.

“He’ll probably look for another dealer to work with.
I’m not so sure.”

“So… it’s over? You’re free?” I asked.

“I guess I am” he smiled shyly and I noticed that his
eyes were full of tears.

“We need to celebrate!!” Hoseok shouted while getting up and jumping on Jungkook who started to laugh.

“We can go out tobight!” Tae happily suggested.

“Can it be at 8? Jung-hyun and I are going to visit my
dad at rehab today. It’s been a while since we don’t go there.”

“Sure” I smiled “Any idea when he’s getting out?”

“Not really. They said he has gotten much better, but
I think it will take some time” Jungkook answered and we nodded our heads.

“So, the same place at 8! See you guys there.” Hoseok confirmed heading to the door, pulling Jimin along with him.

“I’ll go with you two!” Jungkook exclaimed getting up “See you guys later.”

When the door closed, Yoon looked at me, and Taehyung and got up too.

“I’ll take a nap and leave you and the guy who made you moan alone. See ya!” he giggled and headed to the door.

“The guy who mad- Ooooh!” Taehyung exclaimed and started to laugh “I remember that. You know, it’s been awhile since ive heard you moaning.” He tried to sound seductive but his flu and his stuffy nose didn’t help.

“Yeah… Let’s keep it that way.”

“I know you're attracted to my sexy body!” he ran his
hands through his hair to prove his point but all I did was laugh. “I’m giving myself to you and you’re laughing?? What kind of girlfriend are you? You deserve to be punished” he got up and stood up in front of me.

“Tae? What are you going to-” then he started to tickle me. I laid down on the couch, trying to keep him away from me by using my arms and legs but it didn’t work, since he got on top of me. “Okay, okay, fine! I’m totally attracted to your sexy body.” I finally said and felt him holding my arms above my head, interlacing our fingers. His smile slowing fading while our breathing becomes rhythmic.

“Hey, Y/N?” he whispered with a hoarse voice, looking deep into my eyes. I thought my heart would jump out of my chest.

“Yes?” I whispered back.

“I love you,” three words that made me feel like I was
going to die anytime soon. Or maybe I already did and this was heaven.

“I love you too, Kim Taehyung.” He showed me his smile and I smiled back. And then he leaned over and kissed me.

My mouth parts. His tongue slips in. Time stops. I breathe in his scent, feel his taste. I intertwine my fingers on his hair and pull him closer, hearing a soft, breathy noise coming from his mouth. This kiss is different of all the others. Is full of… well, love.

He moves away a little so we could catch our breath and a small smile appeared on his face.

“You might get sick now” he said.

“I don’t care. Because I love you.” I giggled and he kissed my noise.

“Say that again.”

“Say what again?” I play dumb and he pecks my lips.

“Tell me you love me.”

Tell Me You Love Me [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now