7: Aaravos x Female!Reader- Lemon

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"We can slow down if you want my dead." I shake my head, tearing up.

"N-no I can't burden you anymore than I already have." Hot tears fall down my face as Aaravos slows to a stop, pulling me into his chest in a comforting hug.

"You're not a burden my love. You're exhausted and very overemotional because of it. I promise I have the comfiest bed in the world when we get home." The idea of the comfiest bed in the world almost fuels me as I straighten up and start walking again. Aaravos seems to get an idea.
"We also have the most delicious of foods for our arrival waiting, accompanied by the freshest of water and oldest of wines." I feel my heart give out in excitement. The adrenaline rush causes me to feel faint for a moment before I'm back on my bambi legs raring to get moving. It's only until we reach a lake of lava when my adrenaline fizzles out. I almost fall in the lake as Aaravos calmly leads me into his side instead. I watch as his arms open and start weaving beautifully whips of colour into the air.
His magic weaving transforms into a bridge like structure that he carries me across on.
I have up at him in awe.

"How did...?"

"Darling I'm not just a pretty face." He chuckles, I'm placed down once more and we start heading into Xadia.
I can feel the thrum of magic in my veins the deeper I go into the magical land. We don't get far into the bustling city before Aaravos stops.
He removes his cloak and wraps it around me, pulling the hood over my head. I can barely see as his two hands fall on either side of my arms as if he was leading a sickly person to a hospital. I smile at the contact as we successfully make it into the city.
"Almost there my dear." He encourages, the ache in my legs dissipate slightly as his words help me speed up. We soon incline and walk up a steep hill, finally he pulls the hood off of my head and I gasp. A large shimmering castle sits upon the top of the mountain we were climbing, it almost looks like ice but I know better after seeing Aaravos' bridge. He must've built this castle with his magic.
We reach the heavy wooden doors that instantly open even before we touch them. The castle is empty when we arrive and I look around at the crystalline decor.

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you." His words make me smile, for some reason his confidence and pride make the cheesy words sound enchanting. He carefully takes off the cloak laying on my shoulders and leads me up the stairs to his bedroom. As we go he carefully peels off the grimy clothes I had been wearing from months in the dungeon, I must've smelled putrid.
By the time we make it to the room I'm down to my underwear, he delicately hands me a towel and leaves the room. I'm too fatigued to be embarrassed.
I hear the rushing of water and when Aaravos comes back out of the other room he reaches out for me, I comply and allow myself to be led to the large bathing area, it was a large circular dip in the floor of the room made from marble, a fountain in the middle spurted out hot water. It looked otherworldly with the carvings of cherubs in the marble exterior.

"Now darling, I'll let you get cleaned up and fresh robes will be waiting outside on the bed for your return." I turn around and finally wrap my arms around the man properly.

"Thank you..." He squeezes back and ruffles my hair when I let go.

"I'll see you later." He winks and leaves. I sigh as I remove the last remaining items of clothing from my body in order to sink into the deep basin. It was heaven.
After cleaning off all of the grime and using what seemed to be Aaravos' shampoo I leave the bathing chamber wrapped in a towel. There were silk robes on the bed covered in stars. They felt divine as the fabric floated down my body.
I leave the room looking for Aaravos when I find a door open in the east wing. I enter and instantly see the mirror I had seen in the dungeons. I turn around to see him, sleeping soundly on his desk after scribbling down some words in a foreign language. I shake him a little to wake him up, feeling incredibly guilty.
He stretches out like a cat and smiles up at me from his crossed arms on the table.

"... Hello darling." His voice was deep, deeper than usual and it sent shivers down my spine. I almost let myself give into my instincts before guilt hits again.

"Would you come sleep with me? I can't let you sleep somewhere other than your bed after carrying me for so long." He smiles and picks himself up as we both slowly make our way over to the west wing where the bedroom resides. It doesn't take long for me to fall asleep after we both get cosy underneath the covers, his long fingers pulling through the strands of my (h/l) hair. I feel myself relax in his arms and the comfortable bed and soon I drift off into a dreamless sleep.

I wake up to sunlight shining through my eyes, it causes me to flinch and I roll over as my face presses into a hard chest. I open my eyes properly and see Aaravos smiling down.

"You are finally awake my darling, I was afraid you weren't going to wake up." I take this as a joke of course before his expression flickers with worry.

"H-how long was I out?"

"Three days, sweetheart." I gasp in shock.

"Wha- really?!" He nods with a sly grin, sending shivers down my spine.

"You were saying the cutest things as well..."

"L-like what?" I whisper, I don't remember the dream I had but it was definitely not a topic I would like to share from the coiling heat between my legs.

"Like 'Aaravos please' and 'I love you'." He smiles at me flushed expression. As I look down.

"You weren't meant to know that..." He smiles and shakes his head.

"Darling I know a lot of things." His suggestive tone makes me look up again. I feel his hands creep up and untie the bow of the silk robe he had lent me. It falls free due to it not being quite the correct size, instantly showing off all I had to offer to this man. I flush in embarrassment and look down only to look up again in shock.
He was also naked... And it seemed like he was ready for the actions we were about to pursue. Due to already being hot and bothered I feel my body leaning in, we meet in the middle and I sigh as his lips do most of the work, sending tingles from my lips to down to my spine. My body temperature rises as his wandering hands grip my waist and pull my hips closer, colliding with the hardened heat between his legs. I gasp and we disconnect our kiss as his cheeky grin lifts me further up his body, positioning himself at my entrance.

"W-wait..." I say, worried for myself. He was well endowed and as for me... I've never actually done this before...

"What's wrong darling?" Despite his kind and soft words his dick still twitches at my entrance desperately.

"I've never... I can't..." He hushes me, his smile shows understanding.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle." His whisper fills me with confidence. He travelled with me across the border for Christ's sake. I trust him more than most people even though we only just properly met a few days ago...
I nod and slowly he pushes himself in, I feel my walls stretch and sting as he settles himself inside. As I get used to the strange feeling I notice how warm he is.
It's nice... Comforting.
Then I start to feel as light as a feather as he rocks into me, his speed gradually picks up as my pleasure increases. I raise a hand to hold my mouth, embarrassed at the sounds my body is trying to make. He grins and removes it softly, still moving at an increasing pace.
"Let me hear you, darling."
I concede and my strained vocals rush out in harsh gasps. I can feel the heat bubble between my legs as his pace is as fast as it can go. The sound of skin on skin fills the air and the scent of sex fills the room, making me even more hot and bothered. Finally one last rock sends me over the edge as my pleasure floods in waves. My contracting walls cause Aaravos to tip soon after resulting in him letting out a breathy moan, losing all composure he tried to keep in the process.
We lay, breathless and sticky.
Too tired to get up to clean, he slides out and pulls me into a loose embrace.
After the ordeal the feeling of fatigue hits me again and I smile at him.

"Thank you..." I mumble. He tilts his head.

"What for, Princess?"

"Saving me."

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