"I'd love to, baby. But, Taehyung needs me to go get him a glass of water." Jimin explained, tapping the wooden object with his finger tip. Yoongi semi pouted.

"Why can't Taehyungie get it himself?" Hoseok asked, furrowing his eyebrows slightly. Taehyung was generally independent when it came to that stuff. He was an adult anyway.

"He's sick. I'm surprised you didn't hear him coughing just a minute ago." Jimin admitted, standing back up.

"That was him?! I thought it came from outside!" Hobi exclaimed, turning his head to the open window. Yoongi silently stared from man to man, patiently waiting for playtime to continue.

"Yeah...I'm pretty sure he has a fever too." Jimin said, scratching the back of his head as he walked into the kitchen. Hoseok sighed to himself, feeling quite bad for Taehyung.

"Daddy, wut happen?" Yoongi asked, tilting his head like a puppy.  Hoseok smiled at the action and put his hand on Yoongi's arm.

"TaeTae doesn't feel very well. Would you like to color him a picture?" Hoseok suggested, the idea suddenly popping into his brain mid sentence.

(Me while I write ^)

"Ya! Let's cowor a picture!" Yoongi cheered, impulsively standing up and pushing over his tower with crash. Hoseok affectionately shook his head and followed Yoongi down the hallway. 

Jimin, on the other hand, was returning to Taehyungs room with a small tray in his hands. On the pink plastic he had a cup of water, some crackers and a mug of tea. He could hear Taehyung coughing harshly, and pushed open the door.

"Taehyungie, I brought you some things." Jimin said sweetly, placing the tray down on Taes beside table.

"Water?" He asked, turning his head against his pillow.

"Of course! Here, take a few sips." Jimin suggested, handing the cup over once Tae was sat up. He took three sips before setting the cup back in Jimin's hands. Jimin carefully pet Taes hair, much like a kitten, and sighed at the warmth radiating off of him.

"I don't feel good." Taehyung mumbled, his cheeks pink and eyes closed.

"I know, Taehyungie. Here, let me give you cuddles." Jimin said, lying down with Taehyung in his arms. Taehyung cuddled closely to Jimins chest and wrapped his arm around his middle.

"I can't breathe." Tae sniffled, his voice hoarse.

"Just relax, you'll be okay." Jimin soothed, holding him closer. Taehyung grunted again, the easiest way of communication for his poor voice. "We need to get you a different shirt, you're sweating through this one."

"Don't wanna move." He whined, followed by more coughs.

"I know, but we don't want you getting stinky." Jimin said.

"I'm not stinky!" Taehyung said with fake offense.

"A little, but not as bad as Yoongi when he went exploring in the trash last week." Jimin chuckled, thinking of the memory and how long Yoongi's bath time that was that day. Taehyung smiled.

"How about you sleep for a couple more hours and then you can get the shower and rinse off." Jimin suggested, getting an agreed 'hmph'.

Soon enough, Taehyung had dozed off into a feverish sleep. He fidgeted every so often with Jimin by his side. Jimin would do anything the world for the poor boy, even if it meant laying next to him, wide awake. He tried to stay, he really did, but after 30 minutes he just couldn't sit still. So, he carefully climbed out of Taehyungs messy bed and silently placed his feet on the floor.

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