Chapter 15: Death is freedom

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"Hehe, I'm having so much fun! Aren't you~?" Toga asks me as she cuts my face with a knife. This isn't even the worst thing she's done.

So far I have a black eye, I'm pretty sure my nose is broken, many cuts and bruises on my arms and legs, A stab wound on my shoulder, a busted lip, and this psychotic chick even ripped of a few of my finger nails! So, you can say I'm pretty broken. I'm surprised I haven't lost it yet.

"Yea... Having the time of my life." I say.

"Aw, don't be sad!" She says, as she places her finger on my face and swipes some of the blood. She watches as the drop of blood runs down her finger to her hand and down her arm. She giggles. "Crimson is such a pretty color~isnt it?" I nod.

The door opens and Dabi is leaning on the door watching as this blonde haired bitch tortures me.

"Times up its my turn." He says and licks his lips. Toga whines, but picks up all of her knives and walks out the door. Dabi closes the door and walks over to me.

I squirm in my seat, trying to loosen the ropes around me.

"I hope you know, that your so called "friends" aren't looking for you." He says as he rips my shirt.

"Yea right, as if I'd listen to you. What do you take me for, an idiot?" He laughs.

"Here, let's see if this will make them search harder." He takes out a phone... Hold up, THAT'S MY PHONE!

"Uh, give me that! I have personal information on that device."

"Yea I know, but you decided not to put a password on it, so it wasn't that personal." He takes a few steps back and holds up the phone to me. After a few seconds he walked towards me. "Do any of your friends have phones?"

"I don't know, you tell me." He area at me. "Well, I do know that not all of your friends are monsters like that chick with the big tits, uh, Moomoo?"

"You're not even trying."

"Whatever." He scrolls through my contacts until he finds the one he's looking for and clicks on it, and sends the picture of me to them.

"Now we wait. In the mean time, you and I can have a little fun." He says as he begins to kiss my neck.

- Momo's P. O. V -

Todoroki, Bakugo, Mina, and I were walking around town, trying to find a place where they would hide her, seeing if there was any evidence showing where she would be. I hear my phone goes off. I open my phone and notice it's a message from Y/n!

"Guys! Guys! I just got a message from Y/n!" I yell happiness.

"Well fucking open it!" I open the message and gasp at the site. Y/n is bruised and beaten. Blood running down her arms and legs. Her shirt ripped. Tears build up in my eyes.

"Hey, why are you crying? What does the message say?" Mina asks.

"It's not a message, it's a picture... And it's not from Y/n..." I say, and show them the picture of the broken, all tied up Y/n. Bakugo snatches the phone out of my hands and growls.

"Whoever the fuck did this is gunna pay. I'm gunna send their ass straight to fucking hell." He says and throws me my phone. Mina takes the phone from me and studies the picture.

"Hey, I recognize those nasty walls. That's the warehouse outside of town. I only know because, when I was younger me and my siblings would walk there and just mess around since we lived kinda close to it." Idk if she has siblings, let's just pretend she does.

"Well then what the fuck are we waiting for?! Let's go get Y/n!" Bakugo yells. And starts running. Only to stop when he's about 10 feet ahead of us. I slowly turns around and walks back over to us and sheepishly asks, "How the fuck do we get there?" Blush dusted over his cheeks.

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