Chapter 16: Almost got you

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Edit:didn't reread it so there's bound to be some mistakes which I can't be bothered to fix. Peace ✌🏻

I quietly close the door, making sure no one is around. I turn around and take a look at my surroundings.

"All I see is crates." I quietly say to myself. I carefully walk around, making sure I don't hit anything or knock anything over. As I walk, I hear talking.

I shouldn't... Buuuut,I'm going to anyways.

I quickly and quietly walk up to a grate and hide behind it,listening to the conversation between the two men.

"What is this? Some sort of bullshit fairy tail?" Dabi says. "Let's be real, frosted flakes." I cover my mouth with my hand so my laughter can't be heard.

"Do you have any better ideas?" Frosted flakes asks.

"No, but that's the dumbest thing you've ever come up with." Dabi declares.

"Well, until you come up with a better idea, I don't want to hear it." And he walks away. Where does he go? I don't know nor do I care. If they both leave, it'll be easier for me to leave this hell hole.

"Tch, dumbass." Dabi says to himself, and walks towards the room I left. I move somewhere else so her doesn't see me. "What the hell is taking that bitch so long? And why is it so quiet?" He opens the door and walls in, only to walk out a few seconds later. His eyes scan the area, searching for me I'm guessing.

'He knows.'

"Come out! Come out where ever you are! If you come out now, I'll make your punishment less painful than usual." He tells, his voice echoes off the walls and into my ears.

'Not a chance, patchwork.' I think to myself, and stay where I am.

"To be perfectly honest, I'm glad that bitch is dead, she was annoying as hell."

'I'm surprised you guys didn't get along better than. You're also annoying as hell.'

"Hm well then I guess I'll wait for you to come out."

Ok, I just noticed they barely fed you so we're gunna pretend they fed you everyday at 12:00, exactly!

"You need food anyways." Dabi says, and sits in the middle of the warehouse, he pulls out his (my) phone and begins to play games on it.

I quietly move around the warehouse, hiding behind boxes and crates trying to get closer to the door. Once I open the door, I'mma book it and not look back. And his back was facing the door.... Wait, that sounds too easy. I'll take my chances.

10 steps away...

7 steps away...

4 steps away....

2 steps away...

1 step away...


I grab the handle on the door and pull only to discover it won't open. I try pushing the door, but that didn't work either. Nothing I did would make the door open. I begin to sweat.

I turn around to see Dabi watching me, with a sadistic smirk on his stitched and scarred face. His eyes wide, pupils dilated. He starts laughing psychoticly. He places his hand over his eye, still staring at me.

My blood ran cold.

"You though it was gunna be that easy?! What do you take me for?! A fool?? I kidnapped you for a reason, and I plan on using you for my pleasure and my plan." He opens his mouth and blue fire spits out. I duck and crawl to hide behind some boxes... Made out if wood.


I feel heat start attacking my back. I jump forward away from the flame and see that boxes reduced to ash.

"Holy shit! What the fuck are you?!" I shout/ask. I stand up and back up, my back pressed up against the wall.

"You're worse fucking nightmare." He answers. 'Classic line.' Patches of scales begin to appear on parts if arms, face and chest. His pupils look as if he's part reptile. Horns appear on his head along with wings and a tail.

Fuck, it's a...

"Dragon..." I whisper. I run to hide behind something, anything really. But, he burns it with his blue flames.

I can't really do anything to hurt him! A knife won't cut it, (get it? Cut it? Cuz it's a knife? Knives cut things... Ok, I'll go.) I don't have a gun and if I did, I don't thing it'd do anything.

"No need to run, Y/n. I won't hurt you... Much."

"Is that supposed to be comforting?"

"Depends on how you take it." He says. And spits out fire again.

- Todo cam -

"That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard. And I've been living with this idiot for a while do I've heard some dumb shit." Bakugo says, pointing at Denki.

"Uh, rude!"

"Well I don't see how anything else will work. Mina has been there many times before, so she knows there's nowhere for us to hid. And no other way to sneak in except the front door." Momo explains.

"Yea, but running in there without a solid plan is even worse! It's suicidal!" Midoryia says.

"It's fucking stupid, risky, and downright idiotic... I love it!" Bakugo gets up from his seat and walks to the door.

"Bro, where are you going?"


"Well, I don't see you dip shits doing anything. Either join me and fight with me or stay here and be declared a fucking pussy. Y/n is the only good thing in my life, I'm not losing her."

"Aw~you loooove her~"


"He's in denial." Denki whispers to me. I glance at him and then back to Bakugo.

"I guess I'm coming with you. Y/n is like my-"

"I swear to god, you twilight rip off, if you say you love her-"

"Ok, first, I'm gay. Second, she's my friend. You're not the only one who she got close to. Y/n is like my sister."


"It's settled, let's go get Y/n!"

"Wait I didn't agree on coming with you." Denki says but is cut off by Mina.

"I don't care, you're coming with us!" (( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) heh " Coming" Lololol) Mina shouts, grabbing Denki's arm and dragging him out of the house.


Yo, hey, hi. It's me. Sorry this took so long! I couldn't think of anything. That's also why it's so short. I ran out of ideas. Not only that, I wanted to leave this on a cliffhanger. I guess that's one?

Anyways, I start school next Wednesday. "Yay". And I'm a freshman and let me tell you, my people's, I haven't even started and I hate high school already. Like, my classes are everywhere and I have like little to no classes with any of my close friends. Not even fucking lunch!

End my suffering.

Anyway hope you enjoyed ❤

Byeee 💙🖤

Edit: shoutout to my friend sorrygirlsimtaken. Go follow them rn, they are the best. They is the

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