Chapter 3: Hiding

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So... This is fine. Just tied up against a tree with three boys with very different personalities just staring at me. Great.

"Oi," I turn my head to the dog. "What the hell is your name?"

"I don't think I have to answer that. Because I don't know your names. Unless, you want me to call you guys, 'Kacchan',  'Deku', and 'half n half blood sucking bastard'."

Where is this confidence coming from? I have no idea. I just don't want to seem like they can push me around just because I'm... Normal?

"DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT! IT'S BAD ENOUGH THIS FUCKING IDIOT CALLS ME THAT, I DON'T NEED A FUCKING STRANGER CALLING ME THAT!" He starts making his way over to me, sticks breaking with every step he takes. The green haired boy grabs his arm.

"K-kacchan, m-maybe if we tell h-her our names s-she won't call you that..." His voice drifts off as the dog stares at him. He turns his attention back to me, he shrugs the boys hand off him.

"U-uh... I'm Izuku Midoriya." He sheeply smiles at me, waving a little as well.

"I don't know why you're introducing yourself to her. It's not like we'll ever see her again."

"What, are you going to suck my blood?"

"I was thinking we could knock you out and drop you off somewhere, but yea I could do that."  The vampire walks toward me.

"NO!  COULD YOU DO SOMETHING ELSE LIKE TAKE ME TO YOUR BASE OF HIDEOUT OR WHATEVER?!  I'M TOO YOUNG TO DIE!" I scream.  I try wiggling around to loosen up the rope  (they for some reason had 😅)

"That's not a bad idea..." He ponders for a bit.

"Oh, hell no! I'm not going to deal with this bitch!" Kacchan starts to throw a fit. Throwing his hands in the air to be a bit more extra, stomping his foot on the ground too.

"No one said you had to getting along with me. I could be anywhere... Almost anywhere and I would be ok. As long as you don't kill me. Or you know what's an even better idea?  LETTING ME GO!"

But, the next thing I know I can only see the darkness...

- time skip -

As I open my eyes, the blinding light hits them. Making me want to close them and sleep more. But, somebody shakes me to prevent my dream to come true. Yelling. That's the first thing I hear.

"Oi! Oi! Oi, stupid get your ass up!... GET YOUR FUCKING ASS UP BEFORE I KILL YOU!" I open my eyes fully. I look around, and notice there's more people.

"Uh... It's nice to know you people have friends. And you all aren't lonely..." I say, my voice dripping with sarcasm.  I go to get up but oh surprise surprise I'm tied up again sitting in a chair that looks to have some very questionable stains on it.

"Now that this cutie is awake, I can get some info. What's your name beautiful~?" A boy with bright yellow hair says to me. Getting way to close for comfort. I notice he has little black horns on his head.

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