Chapter I

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"A man once asked me to write a list of everything I love.
Just so I could discover that I never made that list."

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"I love you..." she said staring at her own reflection in the mirror awaiting for her mind to agree to what she speaks of. Hoping one day she can love herself the way she repeated endlessly throughout the day.

The sun began reaching out to touch her honey skin as she only now realised the time. Dawn. She knew it was time to get ready, so with a final pleading look exasperated with how many times this look had been ignored, she teared her eyes away and stalked towards her bed - across the deep dark black carpet, thick, soft - you fall into the smooth swirling pool surrounding you.

"Anything to avoid getting ready." She mumbled to herself while making up her bed, brushing out the creases and fluffing up the pillows not wanting to - - but having to - - come to terms that there wasn't anything else she could do.

She wasn't ready for this, her mind couldn't handle this, but her heart, a cold distant shell of what it was before, shut down whatever thoughts that traveled through her brain, the thoughts that attacked her nerves, the same thoughts that destroyed her heart, so long ago it seemed.

A sigh escaped her luscious lips and moved her fawn, brown hair with her breath. She was going to be late, a fact she knew. A fact she didn't care about. She was dreading the stares, the laughs, the comments. She was used to them all, any joke or nasty word uttered under nasty breaths could not surprise her, she had heard them all before. She could deal with any confrontation, any bully or any creep calling her out. No. That wasn't what she was afraid of, not even the gossip, the mumbles, or the inside laughs they had at her expense had the ability to phase her anymore. No. That wasn't what she was afraid of... the streets was a cruel, cruel place, that was no secret, but something else that was no secret was that there was one place even the most dangerous of streets, the darkest of alley ways couldn't compare to. The horror...the terror...the fright, that is school.

It was already almost half way through the school year, everyone had already met, the rest had already known each other for years. Everyone had meet up with old friends others made new ones. She knew how it worked.

She hadn't been to school for almost a year after being kicked out of her last one... but due to her father she was being forced to go. Through out the time she had been off of school she had taught herself everything there is to know but yet he still insisted, so here she was waking up at stupid o'clock in the morning mentally preparing herself for the day ahead of her.

She made her way towards her closet where a black kilt, white shirt, black tie and black fitted blazer hung from hangers on the door. She decided it be best to put it on without dwelling on it for too long. Her strong mindedness often got the better of her in situations whether that be small seemingly insignificant ones or those of huge importance.

Moments went by as she smiled in the mirror, it was a tight smile, one she often did when she was trying to convince herself everything was going to be okay, a technique that often worked...
Except this time... it didn't...

Hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I appreciate all comments and ideas as to where this story is headed and what you want me to do with it though I do have a basic idea I would like to make you all happy with it so leave your ideas (and constructive criticism). If you continue know that I am very happy and love everyone that gave this a chance. Even if you didn't thanks for taking an interest

Chapters may get longer (they probably will) as this is just the pilot one so you could get a feel and understanding of the main character.

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