"Wanna join us for lunch?" she asked out of the blue frightening both boys, but the one with the weapons threw them at her in shock, but she swiftly caught them. "Hira!" Obito yelled out worried begore seeing she was fine then glared at Kakashi. "What's wrong with you?! You could've hurt her!" he yelled at his rival. "It's not my fault she sneaked up on me." he played off cooly, hiding his own relieve of the girl's safety. "So... What do you say?" Hira continued as if nothing happened shocking the boys again. "How can you act so normal after that?" Hira's eyebrows furrowed, "What do you mean?" Obito and Kakashi stared at her shocked.

"You were almost hurt or killed." Obito almost shouted at the oblivious girl. She shrugged. "No, I wasn't. They didn't even touch me." she held the Shurikens out for Kakashi to take. "How?" Obito asked for both of the boys. "I had training as of when I could walk. My eldest brother had thrown Shurikens and Kunais at me since I was around 3." They stared at me. "Once again I'll ask... Why!?" Obito raised his voice. "That doesn't matter, now come on. I want some Ramen, you guys in or not?" she said turning around. The boys looked at her. "Wait he's coming with?" Obito asked pointing to Kakashi who acted as if he didn't hear anything. "Yes, you said it's a Congratulations lunch and he passed as well," I said with a smile, "Like 3 years ago," Obito grumbled under his breath and fell back a bit next to a trying-to-hide-a-smirk Kakashi. "Wipe that smirk off your face," Obito whispered harshly towards him only making it harder for him to hold it back

"Welcome Obito... And Kakashi? You two together? What happened." The ramen chef said before his eyes travelled down to Hira. "And who's this?" he asked them. "My name is Hira Hyūga." The chef's eyes widened "Huh, a Hyūga. That's the first." Hira looked away embarrassed by her clan. Then I walked over to a table and sat down. They ordered and sat in silence, one oblivious to the two death glaring each other over the table. Hira sat on one side in the middle of the two while Kakashi sat at her left and Obito at her right. "I am the prodigy of the Hyūga, my only purpose is to serve and protect the main household," Hira stated out of the blue making the two boys look at her surprised. "You asked about why my brother would train me from such a young age, well there's your reason." They looked down at the steaming bowls that were set before them.

"Why you?" Kakashi spoke up for the first time. "Because it wouldn't matter if they lost a half-blood and strangely enough from my whole clan I am the strongest," Hira said before she started eating making the boys slowly follow her lead. "How are you the strongest, you're still a child. You're even younger than us." Obito stated making Kakashi nod. Hira looked around trying to see if anyone would hear what she was about to say then leaned forward along with the boys. "I am half Uchiha too." She said before going on with eating, finally relieved to tell someone other than her glaring clan. Obito choked on his spit as Kakashi looked at her shocked, losing some of the colours in his face. "What?!" They both yelled making Hira shush them. "Shhh, keep it down. I don't want anyone to know. If my clan finds out I told anyone they would banish me out of town." Kakashi and Obito looked at one another. "Then why tell us?" Hira gulped down the rest of her ramen as Kakashi and Obito finished theirs. "Because I trust you." She said then stood up. "I'll see you two tomorrow." then she was out the door and left them behind shocked once more.

Hira walked over to her clan's training field where she was supposed to meet Hiashi."You're late." He only stated when he spotted the girl. "Aren't I always." She sarcastically shot back getting sick of the way he was treating her. "What was that?" He was taken aback by her newfound attitude. "Can we just start?" She quickly changed the subject when she saw the anger in her brother's eyes. And without a word, he activated his Byakugan and she followed soon after. With swift moves and delicate fingertips, they tried reaching each other's chakra points. Unfortunately for Hiashi, he was getting much slower and sloppier giving the girl and advantage. But she still wasn't close to his level and had received massive injuries. "School is making you weak." He stated after the battle. "And age is making you sloppier." She panted trying to hide all her pain, Hiashi sharply looked her way. "You're becoming a handful and will be a nuisance with that ridiculous attitude of yours." he finished and walked off to Hizashi and his other underling and third in command, Shou.

Hira's head sank along with her head. "Hira Dumpling?" a sweet voice spoke up making her eyes raise to find Hiashi's wife Shika. "Oh Hi there Shika." Hira greeted cheerfully acting as if nothing was wrong.

"Hira. don't act like that," she spoke softly and kindly at the girl making her head sag once more. "He loves you, you know?" Hira chuckled at that. "Nice try Shika. But the only person that's close to his heart is you and then Hizashi." Hira spoke before turning and limping to her room with a single tear leaking from her eye.

The next day Hira and the rest of fellow classmates were being put on teams. Hira had avoided Kakashi and Obito so far but ran into Rin one of her classmates and the girl who asked her those stupid questions the first day. "Wait up!" Hira had heard and when she turned around she [saw the brunette running towards her with a waving hand. "Hi, my name is Rin Nohara. It's nice to officially meet you." She held out for the girl, who stared at it. "You're the girl that asked those stupid 'who do you like' questions on my first day." Hira voiced making Rin pull back her hand and blush, "Yeah sorry about that, I was worried that you might have like Kakashi-Kun." Hira stared at the girl with wide eyes as if a second head popped up. "Just so you know, I am not interested in any sort of romance at this moment until the rest of my life," Hira said and turned to find Rin walking up to her side. "Well, I do apologize for assuming such things. Mind if I walk with you to the academy?' Rin asked Hira already walking alongside her. "You're already walking with me." Hira giggled making Rin giggle as well. "So why aren't you looking for any romance?" Rin asked afterwards. "My clan doesn't allow it from my status." Rin looked at the girl.

"Anyway, who do you think would be in your team?" Hira found herself asking trying to change the topic and Rin caught on to that and decided to respect her wishes on not talking about it. "I do hope Kakashi and Obito would be on my team and I would like to have you on it too." Rin's last bit of sentence had Hira shocked to the point of stopping. "What's wrongs?" Rin asked. "You want me on your team?" Hira asked for clarification that she heard her right. "Yes, I don't have any female friends and I like you. You're very strong too." Rin said walking up to the girl and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Would you be my friend?" Rin asked Hira making Hira tear up and lunch at her pulling her into a hug. "Yes!" Rin was surprised at first but ended up hugging her back. "Thank you," Hira said as they pulled apart. For the first time, Rin saw the girl that had hidden from the world. "You're very much welcome, now come on we have to go get teamed up." Hira chuckled and wiped her tears away as the two girls then chatted all the way to the academy.

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