Chapter 6: "Harlem Shuffle"

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Michelle had a change of clothes, she wore a green tank top, and brown jean shorts, along with white formal shoes.  Nothing too crazy for her of course.  She made her way towards the park where the stones would be playing.  She got a reaction that she knew was already to happen.  Mick Jagger was surprised seeing that Michelle had returned, but then he grinned.  Everything was set up, the guitars, the drums, the amps, and the speakers.  Mick Jagger spoke,

"Hey there, you came back.  I thought you looked afraid at first but, now here we are.  We're about to start our show in half an hour, I was hoping you'd dance to me with this song.  The song is by two men named Bob and Earl.  It was before I was born but, I've made my own version of it so...whatdoya say?"

"Sure!"  Michelle said as she stood up on her feet eagerly.  Mick asked for her to stand beside her and he showed her the steps to the songs.  As she followed the steps, she started to remember what song he was talking about.  Then he asked her if she was ready for music, and she nodded her head agreeing.  Finally the drums began to beat a tune, and the guitars sounded.  Soon Mick Jagger began to sing the song "Harlem Shuffle".

"Yeah, YEAH, YEAH!  Do the Har-lem shuff-ale.  Yeah, YEAH, YEAH!  Do the Har-lem Shuff-ale..."  Mick sang as he did the dance routine with Michelle.  It was a song that she loved to dance too especially with Mick Jagger singing in it.  Keith being on guitar along with Ronnie and Dick.  Then Charlie Watts on drums.  When the song ended  Michelle laughed as she held onto Mick playful, he laughs  with her,

"Your not a bad dancer!  Very pretty too." Mick spoke complimenting her.  

"Ooh, thank you. ha ha."  Said Michelle flattered.

"Where didja go?  I hope I wasn't making you feel uncomfortable like last time."  Mick said concerned.

She sighed, "No, you were fine.  It's just there was something really important I need to tell you.  I just hope you won't make fun of me because, it's not funny at all."

"Oh no, I won't, promise." Jagger said with honest blue eyes.

"Well, you see, I'm not from 1966.  I come from the future, in the modern day era.  I don't know how I  got here, but the only way of returning back, is to not be afraid of the past.  Meeting people I've heard from the past really.  And, I can't fall in love with you.  I'm sorry but that's the truth.  Otherwise, I'd be stuck here forever, and I would be considered missing in my era.  It's just that at first I was afraid and petrified, and now I just needed to find my confidence."

Mick nodded his head as he understood her situation.  In the background Keith Richards was blown away, and Ronnie nodded his head.  Mick joked,

"The future eh?  Am I dead by then?  Ha ha ha!"

She shook her head, "No actually, you live a good long life, successful too."

"Say no more. Ha ha, you are one fine girl from the future.  And whoever loves you would probably be the luckiest man ever.  Question...what kind of technology have they got in the future?  Flying cars?"

Michelle laughed shaking her head, "No, but we're working on that.  We've got these cell phones with no strings attached."

"Well I suppose that's very high tech."

She laughs once again, "Yeah, pretty helpful when you're on the go."

"How are you going to get back?" Mick asked.

"I don't know, but, I think I have to find out for myself.  All with some help from some very smart people."  She sighed.

Mick and Michelle both stood up together and stared at one another for a moment.  Then finally Jagger spoke,

"You can go back to your time.  It wouldn't be right at all for you to stay here, you'd be trapped.  I believe that your one of the greatest and one of the most inspiring woman I've ever met.  And...I have something for you,"

  He pulled out a rose pendant necklace for her, and it was beautiful.  He puts it around her neck and clips it on.  The tiny red rose pendant was beautiful along with her deep blue water wave one.  She thanked him almost feeling like she wanted to cry, in which then, she hugged him.  Mick had hugged her back.  When they parted from the hug he said,

"Now you go find your way home.  And remember this, never trust people who don't seem honest with you.  Okay?"

Michelle nodded her head, "Yes."

She then held onto his hand and then slowly walked away, her hand slipping away from his.  Mick Jagger watched as Michelle walked and turned her back on him, keeping her head up.  Keith, Ronnie, Dick, and Charlie watched Mick silent, they didn't know what to say or how to react.  Then Jagger turns with a smile he chuckled,

"Well?  Let's get on with the show then!"

Then the Rolling Stones and Mick Jagger began to play and sing the song "I can't get no Satisfaction."

From behind, Michelle could hear the Rolling Stones play the song, and she smiled, holding her hand to where her pendants are.  She skipped a little and continued walking thinking of what she's accomplished, although one more thing was still to come and she has to be sure of herself.  All was left was to return back to the Beatles.

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