My Fathers Are The Best

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"Class, because of your excellent performance in your finals, we will be going on a field trip!" Mr Wane , Peter's chemistry teacher said excitedly.

Peter was currently improving his web formula underneath his table , not hearing a word he said until he heard excited murmurs coming from his classmates. Peter then felt a hand on his shoulders. It was Ned.(who sat beside him)

"Sucks to be you Peter." Ned said jokingly.

"Huh? What?"Peter whisper-screamed.

"It seems like Mr Parker wasn't paying attention. Would you all be a good class and repeat it for him?" Mr Wane said nonchalantly .

"We are going to Stark Tower this Friday! " The class amplified.

Peter internally screamed and he sighed in frustration. His dad was so going to embarrass the heck out of him.

"What, you scared that everyone would find out that you were lying Penis? You are so dead!" Flash said with a glint of mischief in his eyes.

Well, Flash was right. For once.

Peter was so dead.

"Mr Thompson, stop talking." Mr Wane grumbled.

"And Peter, can I talk to you after class?" Mr Wane asked.

"O-okay." Peter stumbled.

What did he do this time? Had they finally noticed why he was absent for his decathlon meetings? Did they find out that he was Tony Stark's SON? How did he mess up? He hadn't skipped school in weeks.(It was his new record since getting bitten by the radioactive spider)

Peter then grabbed a permission slip on his way to Mr Wane's office and was panicking.

All the thoughts and possible outcomes invaded his head. Peter then readied himself for a lecture and opened the door.
"Good afternoon Peter, please have a seat."
Peter then gulped and shuffled his way to a seat in front of Mr Wane and sat down.

"So the rumors that I heard about you being an intern in Stark Industries. I know that it has been a stressful year but making up lies about being in Stark Industries at this age isn't going to work. So since the finals are over , why don't you tell me the truth?" Mr Wane said.

That had hit Peter , hard. Mr Wane was the only teacher who didn't hate him for his inattentiveness and now he was betraying Peter.

"It is indeed a real thing sir—" Peter said but was then shortly interrupted by Mr Wane.

" Approach me when you are ready to tell me the truth. And just so you know, Stark Industries is a multi-billion dollar company and once they find out... I don't know what'll happen. Please don't do this to yourself, understand?"

"I-I understand." Peter muttered

" Good, now you may leave." Mr Wane said while gesturing to the door Peter came in from.

To put it simply, Peter spent his week stressing over what he should do and occasionally whimpered at the thought of Mr Wane suspecting that he was lying about his very real internship.

Friday had come faster than Peter had expected, he had gotten the slip signed by Stephen on the day it was given out and was eating breakfast in the dining room with him as Tony had an "important meeting" and couldn't make it for breakfast.

"So Peter, I am not to tell Tony, is that right?" Stephen said .

"Yep that'll help me big time!" Peter said sarcastically.

Stephen frowned and put his gloved-hands on Peter's shoulders. Peter shuddered at the sudden contact but started to relax. Peter had warmed up to the doctor and was calling him 'pops' only after one week of meeting him. And Tony was furious.

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