The end of us [20]

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"How unfair is just our luck, found something real that's out of touch."

Friday. His favourite.

Lee Minho visited her on this Friday, bringing small bouquet of roses and note that he wrote her the other night. Sky was painted in deep gray, along with almost black clouds that were warning everyone that the storm is about to come.

Minho didn't mind rain, he never minded it. He actually found it quite relaxing for his whole being. His soul that was heavy as the crying cloud up there on his daily basis, will often feel at ease as the cold rain seems to wash out all of his worries and sins that boy caries deep within.

As cliché as it sounds, he thought that the sky cried along with him that day.
His chestnut hair was soaked, and sticking on his forehead along with simple black shirt and ripped jeans that were sticking to his body as well, making him shiver in this cold weather. He sat there for hours, crying his heart out.

For him who never batted an eyelash to the grave before him, not crying when the ceremony was held,was now only a  surprise. It took him long enough to finally understand that she is gone. It took him long enough to accept that, and now, when he finally embraced it fully, he broke down. He broke down like never before. The missing piece of himself that once made him feel whole is gone, forever.

Repeating every moment they spent. The crazy nights when they will run around the city, being the teenagers in love like they are are gone.
Their favourite place, the hill where they first watched the sunset together, laughing and smiling like there are only two of them in this world, like only they matter are gone. The new year spent in his cozy home with burnt cookies, faint smell of flowers in his shop...

The sky darkened even more and the weather become even more chillier.
Nighttime came so fast and Minho knew that he needs to go home as soon as possible to catch at least a lil bit of sleep that he lacked every day more and more. Rain stopped about 20 minutes ago and boy was freezing cold, regardless that he was tired,both, psychically and emotionally. He decided to cut short  already long walk, and take a road that goes near the bridge.

Bridge where she decided that her life would be taken by massive waves of river down there.

In that unsteady condition, he walked right onto it, in his mind circling millions and millions of questions why would she do that. Forgetting about the work that he had tomorrow, or how his body is turning numb because of coldness, he just breathed. Ruffling his chestnut hair, not liking how it was sticking to his face and poked his eyes at the time, he looked down.

He looked into the massive blue desert, searching for something, trying to drown just by looking at, making him hallucinating a very familiar figure of a girl he loves. Not even thinking twice, boy who wasn't in his right mind, settled his two feet right at the edge, trying to call her name but he slipped. No. He jumped into her embrace.

He jumped off the bridge because he thought he saw her and he didn't regretted even when the pain took over his lungs and his body. He was drowning but he liked, because...

He is finally home.

He is finally with her.

The End


It finally ended. It was my first short story and it sucked and I'm so sorry. I'll try to do better next time.

Thanks for reading this book and supporting me, it means the world.♥

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