Café Craze://: Tony x Reader x Strange (pt.III)

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Recap:  You were a waitress at a local cafe. You were never one for romance but one person could change all that. Stephen walked into your life when you least expected it and you couldn't be more thankful, but what did he leave you with when he disappeared? A million... what dollars? No, a million broken pieces. Then, out of the blue, a handsome man waltzed right in... and you just let him, he'll you held the door open for him.


"Good morning, Ms. Carter!" I greet as I approach my next table. 

"Good morning, dear. How are you today?" she asks, patting the spot in front of her. I obediently sit. 

"Just fine. Is everything alright?" I ask her. Truth be told, Ms. Carter had turned into a sort of therapist and friend throughout my time here. She became my favorite person in New York and she will remain that way. 

"Oh, I'm fine. Tell me, dear, why did you hesitate?" She asks.

"Hesitate? For what?" I ask confused.

"Dear, even a blind man would see that you were hesitant to give that man your number. My question is simple, why?" 

"I don't know. It's not that I don't like him, because I do-"

"Then why? What is holding you back child? Is it fear? Or anger?"

"No, neither... well, maybe a little fear. I just don't want to get hurt. I let Stephen in and suddenly one day, he just never comes back. He doesn't answer my calls or my messages. No warning. Nothing. It's like he never even existed in the first place. Like he was just some sort of figment of my imagination." 

"Oh, dear, I know that feeling all too well. You learn a thing or two about love when you experience it. I joined the army, and I fell in love. It certainly wasn't in the plan." she chuckles.

"He was wonderful. Steve was quite the charmer, but about as clueless as a lost puppy. The boy didn't know a single thing about women and I think that's what attracted me the most, well, other than his smile and his ability to be so... ambitious." she smiled at the thought of her love.

"What happened to him?" I ask her.

"He was trapped in an enemy plane. It was set on auto pilot and we were having trouble resetting the map. He decided to take it upon himself and he crashed it. He died  it saved millions of people from the same fate. He saved me and he saved thousands of soldiers, including the man who was to become my husband. We looked for him for years. We had a date and I intended to get him back in time. I realize now that it sounds selfish, but I guess that's what love does to us." she tells me, a sad look on her face.

"I'm so so-" I begin.

"Sorry. Yes, dear, I am too. But i'm only sorry that I never got to tell him how much he meant to me. That's why i'm pushing you to do what you think is right. I see it in your eyes that you want to give that man a chance. I also see that you've been hurt, but I mainly see someone who has stood up after she has fallen... every time. And that makes you a fighter. Now, with that said, what is your choice? What are you going to do?" 

I pondered her question in my mind for a few seconds. What  was I going to do? Stephen was kind and gentle and caring. He proved he was trustworthy... but he broke that. Hell, he broke me. After a few more seconds,  I decide that i've made my choice. I was going to be happy and I wasn't going to care what anyone said anymore. My life, my choices, deal with it.

"I'm going to bring you your usual, then i'm going to take an early break, and i'm going to go have a nice conversation with a man whom I barely know." I giggle.

"That's the spirit! Now, dear, go be brave and risk it." Ms. Carter jokes. This woman is amazing, and I feel so lucky to have gotten a chance to know her. 

"Thank you." I say as I stand up and kiss her cheek. A little while later, I set down her tea and sugar cookies.

"Wish me luck!" I whisper to her showing her my crossed fingers.

"Oh, silly child! You won't need it! He will." she smiles. She knows me so well.

"Ma.Carter!" I gasp, a smile playing on my face.

"Hey, Jenny! I'm going on my break!" I shout towards the back where my co-worker is. I smooth out my apron, and take a deep breath. Nervously, I walk over to Tony's table.

"Hey Tony, do you mind if I take my break here?" I ask, my crossed fingers behind my back.

"Please do. It would be a pleasure." He says standing up to pull out my chair.

"Thank you." I say taking a seat and running off with it. Sike! I wanted to though. "So, tell me, what do you do for a living?" 

"Well, I own a company, Stark Industries." he says.

"Oh, wow. A businessman. Nice." I tease.

"Yeah, well. How about you? I know you're a waitress, but how did you end up here?" he asks. 

"Well, I don't really know." I giggle. Truthfully, I didn't know how I ended up here. "I was supposed to go to Harvard. I wanted to be a surgeon, but somewhere along the way I ended up here." I say motioning to the café. 

"Well, i'm glad you did. If you hadn't ended up here, I wouldn't have gotten the pleasure to meet you." he says while reaching over to hold my hand. 

"Yeah, well. Thanks to that I don't know what I want to do. I'm in a real dilemma." I smirk. He laughs. 

Suddenly, the door opens and the bell chimes. 

"Shit! Talk about bad timing!" I think to myself. In walks Stephen, looking as good as the day he left. I look over to Ms.Carter... who's gone. 

"What was that?" Tony asks me while looking over his shoulder.

"Oh, um, nothing. Don't worry." I tell him.

"Is that your boyfriend? Oh, shit! Are you married?" he asks me, confusion and panic on his face. 

"No- I- Well, you see... No! He- That's to say-" I begin.

"Y/N?" Stephen approaches our table. "Who's this?"

'Well... Shit!' 

~*~*~* A/N~*~*~* 

 Cliffhanger!!!! Hahahaha. Sorry!! Not! What do you guys think will happen???? Let me know your ideas! 


~Wysdom03 ❤️❤️

xoxo 💋 

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