Shadows://: Natasha

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You woke up screaming and crying. A nightmare... again. Things just seemed to be getting worse and worse. You tried everything that you could think of and nothing was working. NOT ONE DAMN THING! You missed her with everything that kept you living. She was the one person who had never judged you and now she was gone. Everywhere you looked you thought that you saw her, the lady at the grocery store, the one in the car next to you, even the nurse at the hospital. But they were all just illusions, tricks of light and faded memories.

She was gone and you would just have to accept that. You made a mistake and stupidly thought that it wouldn't affect anything. You missed her and the only thing that might take away the pain was out-ruled due to the fact that you were immune to it. Alcohol. Yep, you had accepted the experiment and now you were suffering the consequences. A week after the experiment S.H.I.E.L.D took you back to watch over you. They Kept you locked up. She was to be told that you had died while on a mission... and you did die, just not the way they told her. You had to stay away from her because even you didn't know your own strength and the extent of your powers. But you felt empty... broken... lost...

***Flash back*** 

"Hey," a voice said as you felt a tap on your shoulder. 

"Hello." You said turning around to face the voice' owner. A gasp escaped your lips as you came face to face with a beautiful redhead. 

"Umm.. soo-o i.." she huffed and looked behind her at a guy who was making a shooting motion at her. "I-i-i was wondering i-if you might wanna go on a d-date with m-me." she said jumping from foot to foot. "Well, I mean, you don't have to, I just really really want to but you don't have to... sorry i'm gonna go.." she said looking at the ground and starting to turn around. 

"Hey, don't go, please. I haven't given you and answer." you said to her while reaching out and grabbing her hand.

"Oh.. umm, okay." she said with a smile.

"First off, it would be my pleasure to go on a date with you. Second, i'm Y/N but you can call me Y/N/N." you said shaking her hand. 

"I'm Natasha but you can call me yours." She said with a wink. "How does tomorrow night at 7 sound?"

"Like music to my ears." you said slipping her a piece of paper with your number and kissing her cheek. You walked away leaving her staring at you in awe. 


"Hey Y/N, I was thinking that, well, you don't have to...I mean, UGH! Doyouwanttobemygirlfriend?" Nat said to you. 

"What?" you asked her

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" she said slower this time.

"Are you serious right now?" you asked.

"Yeah I am... I mean, I know it's probably too soon but I really like you and I hope you feel the same way." she said playing with her hands.

"HELL YES!!! Yes, Natasha, of course,  i'll be your girlfriend." you told her crashing your lips into hers.


"I'll be back, Tasha. I swear it." You said while you sat on your shared bed. You had been dating Natasha for a little over two years. Every day with her was a dream and a gift. You never thought that you would love another person this much but it was safe to say that you loved her more than your own life. You would die for her. 

"Oh, honey, I know you will. It's the other guys that i'm worried about." she joked sitting next to you. 

"Haha, very funny Nat." you smiled at her.

"Seriously though, you'd better come back to me or I will personally go get you myself." she said kissing you. Her kisses were like poison, her word intoxicating, her smile addicting, her touch a drug. A drug that you would never get enough of. 

"Nat, I have to pack." you said kissing her again and standing up. 

"I love you, Y/N." She said pulling you down towards her. 

"I love you more." 

"I loved you first." she said knowing that she had won. 


"Agent Y/L/N, you're loosing too much blood. If we don't do this now you will die." Fury said to you.

"FINE! Just do it! GODDAMMIT!" you shouted in pain.

The director nodded at the ground of scientist behind him, giving them the permission to alter your being. 

"ARRGG! F-f-fury, do me one last favour.." you said now struggling to breath. He nodded. "Tell her that I-i-i l-lov-e... her.." you said closing your eyes.

***End of flashback***

"GAAARRGGHHH!!" you screamed into your pillow. The pain was too much to bear. You loved her and for the first time ever you were going do something about it. After this 'mission' you were going to propose. Fury never mentioned that you would have to stay away from her. That you would have to die. She had become your oxygen. She was your blood and she had your heart. 

"DAMN YOU, NICHOLAS FURY!!" you shouted at the camera in the corner. You got up to yank it off the wall. You didn't even make it halfway when you fell to the floor your,  body shaking with the force of your sobs. You heard your door open and knew it would just be a couple of agents and a 'Doctor' who were coming to inject you. 

You were surprised to find that you only heard one pair of footsteps. A hand fell onto your shoulder and you looked up... and in that moment you swear the world stopped..

She was right there, standing in front of you, shedding tears of her own, still as beautiful as ever.

"Natasha..." you whispered, afraid that she would be another trick of light, afraid that she would disappear. You reached out to touch her and she took your hand, placing a kiss on your knuckles. 

"I'm here, baby, i'm here and i'm not going anywhere.." she said cupping your cheek.

"Oh, Nat, i'm so sorry. I'm sorry." you said, fully sobbing, clutching her hand. 

"It's okay, my love, it's okay." She replied kissing you. 

"No it isn't, Nat. I love you and I don't want to be away from you anymore, let me prove it." you said kneeling before her. On both knees,  because God knows that this woman deserves it. 

"Natasha Romanoff, I love you more than even heaven will ever know and hell can't even imagine. I can't bear it to be away from you longer than a bathroom break. I want to spend the rest of my life with you...please marry me?" you said wiping away your tears.

"Yes, oh my god, yes, I will marry you." she said smiling and bending down to kiss you. 

"I missed you so fucking much, Nat." you told her kissing her face. 

"Me too, baby. Me too. C'mon let's get out of here." She said helping you stand and walking you out. 

Finally, things were getting better. A sudden calm took over you, you couldn't explain it but you thought that Nat had something to do with it.

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