Loving Somebody://: Bruce Banner

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Specially for -cdlgonzalez

"Urgh!" Bruce sighed, while setting down the glass beakers he held. He had been working in the lab all week attempting to crack a formula that he was designing. His formula. It was supposed to stop the Hulk... permanently. He took off his glasses and placed them on the desk in front of him, resting his face in his hands. 

"Hey Banner!" He heard a voice say from behind him, a voice that he recognized as his best friend, Y/N. He turned and saw the gorgeous girl walking towards him with a donut and a coffee. She had been bringing him food all week seeing as he had been cooped up in the lab. 

'If only she knew. If I could just- NO. I can't do that to her.' He thought to himself. Ever since they had come back from their last mission he had been experiencing very odd emotions towards the assassin. Feelings that he couldn't quite place until a few days ago when he realized that he loved her. 

"Hey Y/N/N," He said holding out his arms for a hug. "How'd you sleep?" He asked as she approached him and gently squeezed. 

"Fine, I guess. I had another nightmare but I made it and now here I am ready to annoy the crap outta you!" She said with a laugh. "I brought you breakfast, oh and you're gonna need to eat quickly because Steve is looking for his donuts." 

"Oh, wow! How did you even manage to sneak it past him is beyond me." He replied, staring at her, trying not to make it obvious that she had him wrapped around her finger. He watched her as she walked around the lab, completely oblivious to the man who would, quite literally at that, die for her. 

"Well, I am Y/N... so I guess it goes without saying that I could pull something like this." She said with a giggle. "How's it going with the formula? Have you almost finished it?" She asked him, while leafing through his notes on the desk. He felt a chill rush through his spine... he knew he had to tell her before she found out. He just didn't know how to say it. She stopped on a paper and lifted it up. She tilted her head and stared at the paper, moments passed and-

'Shit.' Bruce thought. 'Better now then later.' 

"Motherf- Bruce, what the hell is this supposed to be? Is it what I think it is?" She questioned, turning to face him, the hurt evident on her beautiful face. 

"Umm.. well.. I-i-i," he took a deep breath and started again. "Listen, it's not what it looks like." 'Great. Just great Bruce.'

"Then what is it, Bruce? Because from right here it looks like these are the  notes to a formula that says will help get rid of the Hulk!" She yelled at him. 

"It is." he said hanging his head. He felt terrible. He knew he shouldn't do this, he had promised her, sworn to her, that he wouldn't try again, not after last time. 

"DON'T YOU GET IT?" She shouted, trying to hold back her tears. She was supposed to help him and she thought she had been... but apparently not. She had loved this man for years and she couldn't just stand there, helplessly staring, while he worked his life away trying to rid himself of his own life. It's what he hadn't realized, seven Phd's later and he was still a complete buffoon. She only needed one, Major of sciences and Psychology, to know that his body wouldn't take the absence of the Hulk very well. 

"What do you mean? Do you know something?!" He asked walking towards her, reaching for the notes in her hand.

"YOU IDIOT! YOU COULD DIE! YOUR BODY WON'T TAKE IT!" She shouted at him, snatching the notes away.

"What?" he stopped. "I.. wait.. what? How do you know this?" 

"I've done the research, Bruce. The Hulk is now like a drug to your body, a very powerful drug. Your body has grown accustomed to it and if you get rid of him, you'll die." She told him, pushing him away from the notes he still desperately tried to reach for.

"No, I need to do this, you don't know that, just let me do this!" he exclaimed.

"No, Bruce. You're going to kill yourself and i'm not going to stand here while you die! I can't just act like the man i've loved for so goddamned long is picking daisies in a meadow!" She whimpered finally dropping her hands to her sides.

"You love me?" He asked her. He couldn't imagine that such a beautiful woman like her could love a monster like him. He had killed dozens of people and hurt even more. He was what she deserved, in his eyes she deserved better than him. 

"Yes. Yes, I do. And I have for so long. I don't care what you are. You are who I want and don't give me the 'I've killed people.' line because in case you haven't noticed I'm an assasin and a human torch." She pointed out. 

"I do too... but we can't do this...it's not possible for us, the Hulk is in the way." he said. 

"No, Bruce that's what you don't get...," she said taking a step towards him. "He isn't in the way and even if he was.. i'm not scared." She finished placing her hand on his cheek. 

He, subconsciously, leaned towards her touch. He knew this was the woman that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. He knew then and then that he would never let her go. She wasn't afraid of him and he couldn't be more thankful for that. He knew what he needed to do. Leaning back, he reached behind him, and.. knocked the beakers from the table. Time slowed down as he waited for the sound of broken glass. 


He leaned forwards and taking her face in his hands, kissed her... square on the lips. He felt her hands make their way to his shoulders, as she pulled him closer. Eventually they pulled apart from each other and she looked up at him with a smile on her lips. 

Suddenly, they heard a shout coming from upstairs.


"Steve." They both concluded.

"You had better eat that donut quickly, Mr. Banner." She said pecking his lips once more.

"Yeah, I guess so." he said turning around to get his donut. 

Once he finished, he reached for her hand. 

"Wait, there still something I need to do." She said gesturing to the paper in her left hand. Taking the notes, she placed her right hand slightly below and snapped her fingers, producing a small fire. The notes quickly caught on fire and slowly began to disintegrate, becoming consumed by the flames. He stared at her, she looking breathtaking. The scene before him made him want to stop time... solely for the purpose of being able to stay with her... here suspended in time. 

"Done." she announced to him. "Now we can go." 

He smiled at her and took her hand in his, and together they walked out of the lab... right as Tony burst in with Steve following behind him yelling something about a donut with red, white, and blue sprinkles all while Wanda was on the floor laughing, tears in her eyes. 

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