i'm coming on tour!

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ruel's family and i are patiently waiting backstage for ruel to finish greeting and thanking all of his guests who showed up to his final opera house show. kate, ruel's mum is leaning against the several suitcases which contain his painkiller suit and several hazmat suits. it was so nice of his family to accomodate me for this second show, and it was even nicer that i got to surprise ruel. but little does he know that the surprises are far from over. as soon as ruel comes out from backstage we're going to head for dinner with his team, which is where i'm going to tell him that i'm allowed to come on the remainder of the australia/new zealand tour! i can't wait to see his face.

the past few weeks have been so fucking crazy. from not even knowing who ruel was, to all of a sudden being his friend has been such a whirlwind. he has really been helping me to learn how to open up again. i think i might be slowly forming a crush on him. as stupid and as cliche as that sounds. every time he smiles, it's as if my mood lightens. i haven't felt this way in more than two years. my anxiety almost feels like its slipping away. i want everything to stay like this- forever.

finally he comes running out. obviously still high on adrenaline. 

"let's get food!" he yells. "i'm starving!" he grins at me as we all grab a suitcase and wheel it them to the elevator. we reach the underground parking and head to the  van dijk's car. i help to put the suitcases in the boot, but we have to pull a seat up in the back. 

"i'll sit there" coco volunteers and climbs in.

sylvie, ruel and i sit in the back seats and kate and ralph sit in the front. ralph is driving. 

"it's so nice to finally meet you" sylvie says as she turns to me.

"likewise!" i reply. sylvie is ruel's eldest sister and she is literally drop dead gorgeous, just like coco... and ruel- i hate to admit. the van dijk gene pool is just blessed or some shit.

we pull up to the restaurant. it's a quaint little italian place. it looks so god damn cute. i can already see ruel's team sitting at a table inside looking over their menus. no one hesitates to get out of the car. especially not ruel, who repeats how hungry he is over and over and over again.

"we get it ruel," coco says. "shut up" she laughs. i laugh too. we head over and sit down with ruel's team. i sit in between coco and sylvie and ruel sits across from me. we pan over the menu for about ten minutes before everyone at the table has decided what they're getting. for me it's a no brainer: fettuccine bolognese; it's the best possible thing in the world and no one can tell me otherwise. 

the table is buzzing with talk about ruel's show. i talk with sylvie and coco a lot; they're such lovely girls. sylvie and i begin to get to know each other a bit better, she completely gets why i don't really like the whole 'fans' concept. she says she doesn't really like to immerse herself in the attention of ruel's fans, as lovely as they are. and i get that. privacy is important, and sometimes it's better just to lead a normal and down to earth life.

before long our meals are put down in front of us. everyone eats as though they have never seen food before- especially ruel. i laugh as he polishes his plate off in just over ten minutes. 

"holy shit" i say as i glance across the table at his empty plate.

"i told you i was fucking hungry!" he exclaims as he pats his stomach. another ten minutes pass and everyone begins to finish their own meals, including me. i place my fork and knife down onto the plate and wipe my mouth with a napkin. the table kind of falls almost silent as ruel gathers everyone's attention.

"i just wanna say thank you" he begins "to everyone," we all look at each other. "never in a million years did i ever think i would be playing at the fucking opera house, let alone sell it out twice" he laughs. "it wouldn't have been possible without all of you" he grins. "and thank you to brynne for the surprise." he says. "it was the cherry on top of an already amazing night." i glance over to coco and she smiles and nods.

"actually..." i say. i can see a wave of excited confusion wash through ruel's eyes. "i have something i want to add to that" i tell him.

"what?" he asks me, he looks genuinely confused now. i look over to ralph and kate and they both are wearing small, excited smiles.

"i'm coming on the rest of the australian and  new zealand leg of the tour!" i grin. ruel goes silent as he processes the information i've just told him. he wears an expression of shock, mixed with a hint of excitement which is visibly growing.

"you're joking" he says. obviously in disbelief. "but school?" he asks me.

"she's gonna have a tutor with her, so she won't miss a thing" kate tells him.

"holy shit!" ruel says as he gets up from the table. "that's INSANE!" everyone laughs at how excited he is. "so you're coming to auckland, adelaide AND perth?!" he asks me.

"yeah!" i tell him. 

"holy shit!" he says again. i look around at ruel's family and team who are smiling and shaking their heads in laughter. i feel an unmistakable warmth within my soul. i feel so accepted by these people. they barely know me and yet they include me in their lives and bend over backwards to take me on tour with them! i cannot wait until we fly to auckland in a couple of days. it's going to be unreal!



holy shit- so much has happened in the past week, i am so sorry for not updating.

but ruel has announced his new EP and it's based on the song free time (which if you couldn't already tell from the repetitive inclusion of that song in my story, it's my fucking favourite). PLUS he's also touring again, and i'm going to his sydney show! i'm so excited just to hang out with my friends i've made through this fandom holy shit.

anyways i hope you loved this chapter, i've had it half written for a while and i just got around to finishing it off!

don't forget to vote and comment if you enjoyed. ily!!


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