sorry, who?

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finally I was in the mosh pit of rex orange county. i had waited for an absolute eternity it had seemed for him to come to australia, and finally his concert was only moments away from starting. my friend jess and i looked at each other with wide eyes and screamed as the first few guitar strums could be heard over the speakers. i let myself drift into the sea of people as the music began to blast. the crowd erupted into an incredible chorus of screams and cries of joy from people basking in the rays of euphoria one could only feel whilst at a live music gig. 

i love live music, it's a certain passion of mine. my room is filled with both vintage and modern vinyls, and i listen to them as often as i can. i live in the inner suburbs of sydney, and i go to a private school in the heart of the city. i am so lucky to live where i do, and that i have the most lovely and supportive family one could possibly have. my parents are happily married and i have one younger brother who is avid about AFL. i have always been happy for him to play AFL because all the boys who play it are so god damn attractive! but that's besides the point. my name is brynne hildercast, and i am a 16-year-old girl who is just trying to find her way, i mean isn't everyone? i love film-making and photography and in my spare time i'm often fiddling around with my film cameras and laptop. i don't have many friends, because i am quite an overwhelming personality. but i like to keep the friends that i do have very close; i value their friendships so much, and am kind of insecure about how much trust i put in people. about a year ago I broke up with my first and only boyfriend. i couldn't give a shit about the actual breakup itself now, but the main part that kills me is the fact that i lost all of my friends because of it. yes i did some petty things in the heat of the moment, but isn't that how every teenager deals with their first breakup? anyhow i have decided to focus on the now, and not dwell on the past, so here I am at rex orange county's concert. too in love with this moment to even consider anything else going on in my life. 

the ocean of people churns as rex begins to sing apricot princess, not one of my all-time favourite songs, but still a banger. i mean rex literally couldn't release a song i wouldn't like. i raise my arms into the air and jump up and down in unison with the crowd as i passionately scream the lyrics. after a few minutes of intense jumping the song finishes to an incredible applause. "how we goin' tonight sydney!!!" rex's playful pommy accent echoes through the metro theatre. his question is answered with an overwhelming scream from the audience. he begins to play my all-time favourite song of his: television/so far so good. i scream the lyrics that i literally know back to front and inside out. by the end of the song i am literally dripping in sweat and black dots are swimming in my vision, making my head feel light - as if it were filled with air. i push my way through the crowd and head to the back of the venue where there is a table with cups and some water. i crash down into a chair before i actually pass out. i gulp down some water, put my elbows on my knees and my head in my hands. so much for enjoying the moment. 

"are you okay?" a voice asks me. i look up to see a boy, probably about my age standing above me.

"i'm fine" i yell over the music. "just feeling a bit faint" i tell him.

"do you want to get some air?" he asks me, i look up at him.

"no I think I'm okay," i say reluctantly as i gaze towards the stage. i really don't want to miss the concert. the tickets sold out so quickly, i would feel shitty if i didn't make the most of the experience. the boy crashes down clumsily into the seat beside me. 

"you're a fan of rex huh?" he asks me.

"nah i just came to his concert because i hate his music" i reply sarcastically and laugh, he laughs too.

"you seem to be feeling better" he teased.

"yeah I don't feel like i'm going to throw up anymore, i guess that's a positive" i reply.

"what have you had to drink?" he asks.

"i don't drink," i reply. damn i sound so uncool.

"oh, i thought that might be why you were feeling sick," he explains. i shake my head.

"nah, i just went way too hard to television/so far so good" i laugh. He shakes his head and smiles stupidly.

"fair enough" he says. "what's your snapchat?" he asks me. i pull out my phone from my bumbag, unlock it and open snapchat so he can scan my snap code. i knew full well how this would end. he'd add me, i'd add him, i would never work up the confidence to message him and he would definitely never message me. therefore we would both awkwardly forever watch each other's stories and i'll wonder what would've been.

"i better get back in there" i say, not wanting the conversation to become any more awkward than i was already making it.

"okay, don't die in there!" the boy laughs as i roll my eyes.

"ha- ha." i smile as i sarcastically mocked him. i half wave at him as i walk back into the mosh.

the remainder of the concert was incredible. rex has such an uncanny talent of singing just the words that i want to hear. eventually i found my friend jess again as the concert was ending. we swapped stories of what had happened whilst in the mosh and exclaimed how good it had been.

as we stumbled out of the metro theatre, our legs were aching to the point of limping; our ears were ringing, but we knew this meant we had had an amazing time. we trudged wearily into the mcdonald's that was just next door to the theatre with what seemed like the rest of the crowd from the concert. i ordered some fries and a frozen coke and sat at a table with jess. she was looking off into the distance quizzically.

"why are those girls staring at us?" she asked me. i turned around to see for myself, and sure enough there was a group of girls who were staring at us and whispering to one another. i looked back at jess.

"i have no idea," i exclaimed. i then felt a tap on my shoulder and i was forced to turn around again to face a smaller girl with brown hair and hazel eyes.

"my friends and I saw you talking to ruel in the concert" she said. "are you dating?" she asked me. i looked to jess and sure enough she was wearing the same confused expression as I was.

"i'm sorry," i said. "i think you've gotten me mistaken for someone else" i told her.

"no," she replied instantly. "it was definitely you". i looked at jess over my shoulder and widened my eyes, as if to ask for help. she took the hint.

"brynne doesn't even know anyone called ruel," she said. "it was probably just an odd coincidence... anyway, we've got to go, our orders are being called." I smiled apologetically in the girls direction. "that was so weird" jess said.

"i know right" i exclaimed as we picked up our food off the counter and walked out of mcdonalds to catch the train home.

"did you talk to a guy called ruel?" she asked me.

"not that i know of," i replied "but there was one guy who asked if i was okay when i was about to pass out in the middle of the concert?" i added, as the memories just began to resurface. "actually... he added me on snapchat" i pulled out my phone to check my snapchat notifications, and sure enough 'ruel van dijk' had added me by snapcode.

"oh, so he was the guy that twelve-year-old was talking about" jess said. i nodded slowly as i added him back. "maybe she was his sister or something" she added.

"probably," i said as we walked down george street to town hall station.


thank u so much for reading, i don't really know what it is or where the plot is going as of yet. hopefully you'll enjoy the ride!

i'll try to update as much as i possibly can, although every chapter probably won't be as long as this one!

thank u and pls vote, comment and promote. it means a heap!


unexpected - ruel van dijkOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora