i'm here

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i don't know who else to talk to; my parents can't really say or do anything to make me feel better. as lovely as they are; they don't really understand how painful going to school is for me. i pull out my phone and go onto snapchat to message the only person at the moment who i know- or at least think will help me. i go onto our conversation.

brynne: ruel

within a couple of minutes i get a reply.

ruel: yeah? is everything allg?

brynne: not really;

ruel: be ready in 10, let's go get food

i was not expecting that, (although he's literally done this before so why am i surprised?). anyhow, i look in the mirror and try to conceal the fact that i've been crying- with minimal luck. i change into my track pants and hoodie, because i literally can't be bothered to wear anything else. i hear ruel's car pull into my driveway and he beeps his horn. i grab my purse and my keys and run outside; making sure i pull the door shut on the way out. 

i open the car door and get in the car. ruel turns to me with a sorry half-smile. 

"are you okay?" he asks me.

"besides the fact my ex boyfriend told me to kill myself, i mean yeah" i reply and half-laugh; although you can tell by my sarcasm i'm not okay. ruel's eyes widen in shock.

"what the actual fuck?" he asks me. "okay that's just fucked." i nod and look down. he backs out of my driveway and we drive down my street. 

"i think i'm in the mood for some sad songs" i say, as i pick up the aux cord, plug it into my phone and put on jealous by labrinth. "this song hits me in the feels every time" i tell ruel. he begins to sing along. his voice is actually so fucking beautiful it's insane. i stare at him while he sings and drives. his eyes are trained on the road. i don't even think he's aware of how much passion fills his voice. he turns to me, catches me staring and laughs.

"you're such an insane singer" i laugh, "you deadass just sung the song like you were performing it".

"when you tour, you get used to singing like you're on stage" he says. "when i sing at home, it kind of reminds me of being on tour; and i love touring so much" he sighs. i look at him and smile.

"i would too" i tell him. "i couldn't even begin to imagine the adrenaline rush you'd get from performing."

"it's fucking insane" he smiles. the joy on his face is so obvious, seeing him so happy makes my heart happy; and i have literally only known this guy since last friday.

we pull up to the mcdonald's drive-through. ruel orders for the both of us and we get our food. he then drives us to a quiet park in the back of the city. we get out and sit on a park bench.

"i'm sorry you have to deal with that dickhead" he says. i shovel my fries into my mouth.

"it's okay," i say. even though deep down in my heart i know that it really isn't. "people have it far worse than me," 

"but brynne, that doesn't mean what you're going through isn't important" he tells me; his face becomes solemn. i smile sadly and look at him. our eyes meet and i look deeply in his hazel-green eyes.

"thank you" i say.

"you're a genuine person brynne" he tells me.

"likewise" i say and hug him, so that he doesn't go in for another kiss. i don't think he understands how much i don't want to be in another relationship. my emotions are being fucked with enough as it is.

"i'll always be here," he continues. "whenever you need me, just message" he rests his chin on my head. i pull out of the hug slowly and pull my burger out of my mcdonald's bag. 

"thank you for this," i say.

"it's not a problem" ruel replies. "you only deserve happiness" he says as i smile. "actually," he continues "i'm going to a party on friday night, you should totally come and meet my friends!" he tells me. "i'm sure they'd love you". i think about it slowly, analysing the pros and cons of the situation. i don't really like parties, and i'm not one to drink either. fuck it, i need to stop overthinking things.

"i'm down" i say. only regretting it slightly; but i decide that a party will be good to take my mind off things.

"awesome" ruel's eyes brighten as he hears my response. he probably expected me to come up with some dumbass excuse.

"message me the details," i say. and he nods and pulls out his phone.

"has your social media calmed down yet?" he asks me.

"i actually haven't checked-" i say and pull out my phone. my instagram explodes. i have more than 600 follow requests and almost 1000 dm requests. i gasp. ruel puts down his phone and peers over my shoulder.

"damn" he says. "i'm sorry, it's all my fault."

"it's fine," i reply, i never really spend any time on instagram anyway so i'm not too fazed. "that's what happens when you're famous" i laugh mockingly. ruel brushes off his shoulder. "don't get a big head" i push him jokingly and we both laugh.

"i messaged you the details" he tells me.

"sweet" i say. the park has gotten quite dark as the sun has gone down past the trees. 

"we should probably get going," ruel tells me. i nod.

"i know i've said it a million times, but thank you so much" i say "you've made my entire day better" i add.

"trust me, it's nothing" he says and envelopes me in a hug over my shoulders because he is so much taller than me. i sigh happily into his chest. he makes me so happy, but i can't let myself fall for him. we have to just be friends- or else i could get hurt again.


will she fall for ruel?
will ruel tell her exactly how he's feeling?
what will happen at the party?

it's been a short while since i updated this story!! but i hope you like it, things are going to start getting a bit more exciting after this so you should definitely stay tuned!

make sure to vote and comment if you enjoyed reading and i'll update as soon as i can. love you all!!!! :)


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