It was too hot, too vacant, for his liking.
He hadn't seen a living person in the longest time. He was slowly losing hope.
He looked up at the sky, watching the puffy white clouds move across a blue ocean of air.

"God, please tell me in not the only one left..." Antonio prayed to the sky in an exhausted voice, his chest rising and falling as he tried to catch his breath through the overbearing heat, "Give me a sign I'm not alone...por favor..."

There was a loud crash from across the street. He looked up to see a woman. She wore a pastel yellow dress. It had seen better day. It was now ripped, and stained in blood and dirt.

She stumbled towards him with outreaching hands as a moan escaped her chapped lips.
Her once beautifully tanned skin was paled, and was rotting.
A large chunk of her neck was missing causing her head to tilt at an uncomfortable angle.

She was dead...
Antonio stood with a sigh, his knife held tightly in his hand as he walked to meet her half way.

"Hola" he said as he watched the dead woman stumble.
She would have looked so pretty in life.

He kicked her knee, making her fall to the ground. He quickly thrusted the blade into her skull.
He cringed at the sickening crack, and smell of rot.

A small pang hit his chest, and he knew that she had been one of his people.
"Lo siento mucho, senorita..." he said retracting his knife, and flicking the blood to the paved street.

Antonio looked back up at the sky, and laughed quietly, "Not the sign I was hoping for, but gracias."

He walked back to his prior spot and began to shoulder his pack and rifle.
As he sat on the side walk again, just to enjoy the peace before he began to move on again.

He heard fast footsteps and look around. Finding nothing in his sight he stood up and pulled out his pistol as a precaution.

The footsteps got louder, and louder until...

A girl rounded the corner further down the street.
She slid as she cut the corner, falling to the street, but regained her balance and continued running in his direction.

She yelled something, but the Antonio didn't understand it.
But he did know that she was human.

He smiled, and waved.
"Hey, hola!" he yelled.
"Run!" she screamed back.

He looked at her confused.
He quickly understood as he caught sight of the massive heard of dead behind the girl.

The girl grabbed his arm, and began pulling him along as she ran past him, "Run you fucking idiot!"

He didn't need to be told twice. He was running beside her, as the both rounded another corner turning south.

The two ran till the girl pulled him into a hotel, the man recognized it as Ercilla.

The two began running up the stairs, and down the second floor corridor till the we met with another group of dead.

The Spaniard quickly pulled the two into a vacant room and slammed the door shut.
As he did the locks, the girl pushed against it to keep it closed.

The two took a step back, held their breath.
Both prayed that the door was secure.
They glanced at eachother, and let out breathless laughs.

They both fell silent as the door was hit.
The massive amount of bodies smashing against the door caused it to buckle under the weight.
The two began panicking again.

There was a patio, not too far from the ground, but under it was to many dead things. There was no second room to escape to, no escape.

"Hey," the girl barked, "give me a hand here."
Antonio immediately began to help push the heavy dresser infront of the door.

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