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"No matter what you have without God the world will never satisfy you"

The lyrics from the above vedio is nasa last chapter ng book na ito.


Deep S.O.A.P method


Psalm 1:2-3 " They find joy in obeying the law of God. They study it day and night. They're like trees that grows in stream who bear fruit at the right time. They're leaves do not dry up. They succeed in everything they do"


P1 o Phrase1:

"They find joy in obeying the law of God

They = people.

Find =
- (n-noun) -something or someone that has been found: especially a valuable person or thing that has been found or discovered.

Joy =

to experience great pleasure or delight: rejoice.

Obey =
-to follow the command or guidance of.

P1 conclusion :

"People discovered valuable thing and they experience great pleasure upon following the command or guidance of God".

P2 o Phrase2 :

"They study it day and night."

Study =

v) - to conduct an organized experiment in order to learn more about (something).

Day =

- the time of light between one night and the next: the part of the day when light from the sun can be seen.

Night =

the darkness that occurs during the right time. 

P2 conclusion:

" People conduct an organized experiment in order to dig deeper and to simplify the scriptures. They learn from it, from the light to the darkness of their life".

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