Fates Merging and Ending

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7/29/19, Edited 7/30/19

"We can't just leave him! Not with the Ink Demon right outside the door!" Allison yelled to Tom as the entire room shook. Heavy breathing and stomping could be heard above, as well as the crashing of rapidly flowing ink.

"What's going on?" Henry asked as he bolted awake.

"He's coming! We have to move on!" She told the old man. She tried reasoning with Tom as she tugged at the planks of woods that were nailed to the doorway, preventing Henry from leaving. "Tom! We have to let him out!"

Tom put his hand on Allison's shoulder, slowly shaking his head in denial as a roar was heard above. Allison let out a small gasp and slightly covered her mouth in guilt. "I'm sorry." She whispered to Henry before she and Tom ran out of the room, leaving Henry trapped behind.

"Tom, we need to hurry to the harbor." She instructed as they ran for the boats. "We need to protect the Lost Ones, and we can't let him get near (Y/N) or Sammy!"

The wolf nodded as the two turned the last corner. He cranked the lever twice as the boat slid down the dry ramp and into the ocean of ink. The two hastily climbed in and pressed the button as Allison held down the lever. As the boat began to make its way down the tunnel, Allison's worried voice could be heard. "I hope it's not too late."


Sammy snapped once (Y/N) left the harbor for good. His psychosis had peaked, had gotten so bad that he was stuck in an eerie trance. He simply stood there with a slight sway, not knowing what was going on around him in the slightest. Small twitches remained, but his grip was still firm on the axe handle. He wasn't the same, he was like a shell of the man he used to be. Nothing more than an inky shadow of his usual self.

However, when he heard the motor of a boat approaching, he slowly began to awaken. A wooden plank could be heard snapping, breaking apart completely. Footsteps could be heard, starting of faint then getting louder as they came closer. And suddenly, someone was there, standing just outside the boarded doorway.

In his crazed mind, Sammy began to hear a jumble of sounds. He heard a familiar scream of a girl he must've known. He heard his name being called by many different voices. But most of all, he heard a strange breathing pattern followed by a series of roars.

The music director snapped back to his senses. The damn Ink Demon, that had to be him on the other side of the doorway! Sammy snarled as he swiftly rose his axe, slicing away at the wooden planks. His psychotic voice roared, "Betrayed! Abandoned! I trusted you! I gave you everything! And you left me to rot! Why? Why!?"

Now completely insane and all sense of normalcy and humanity lost, the music director was completely delusion, blinded with rage. "He lied! He always lies!" He chased Henry, furiously swinging his axe at him.

"He said he'd save me. He said he'd set me free! Now I have nothing! Nothing!" He communed to chase Henry around the harbor, still only seeing nothing more than the image of the demon he hated most. "My lord! Why have you forsaken me!?"

Eventually, Henry fought back enough times with his Gent pipe, knocking Sammy's mask clean off his face. "No! Don't look at me. Stay away!" The music director howled as he covered his face with his hands.

He simply stood where he was, but when Henry let his guard down and cautiously approached him, Sammy grabbed the old man by his collar and lifted him into the air before slamming him onto the ground. "Ha! You lied to me. You said I'd be free. Well, I'm going to free you now. Free your head right off your shoulders!" He towered above Henry, raising his axe high. "Sheep, sheep sheep....it's time for....sleep."

Just before the man could swing, an axe came crashing down onto him, becoming firmly implanted in the side of his head. Sammy let out a grunt of pain, receiving a small vision as time seemed to go in slow motion. He saw a picture of someone, a girl with her back to him. She turned around and gave him a small smile. Her words echoed in his head, "It's about keeping my friends and loved ones safe. I'm so sorry, Sammy. I promise I'll come back for you when this is over. There must be a way to save you!"

With his final thoughts swirling in his mind and the girl's voice being the last thing he truly heard, the flow of time went back to normal. He staggered a small bit before going limp, his body falling to the side and crashing to the ground. Sammy Lawrence, the music director of the infamous Joey Drew Studios, was now dead.


Bendy finally made his way to the Lost Harbor, only to find it just as dead as anywhere else in the studio. No more Searchers, no more Lost Ones, and no more traces of his darling. Nothing remained, it was as if everything died.

Inspecting the ground, the Ink Demon noticed how there was ink everywhere. Yes, the harbor shared space with the ink ocean, but Bendy knew better. Some of the splotches still bubbled slightly, but no matter how they acted, there was no denying that the many dashes and splashes of ink were spilled from life forms.

Whatever happened at the Lost Harbor had gotten very ugly. It was like a maddened war broke out right where the demon now stood. But Bendy didn't care exactly what happened. He only saw ink and no blood, so his darling must've gotten away safely without a single scratch.

The next thing he noticed was a doorway with broken planks of wood attached to it. It was obvious it had been boarded up, but something effortlessly broke through. He almost wondered in (Y/N) had been in there and simply managed to burst her way out when the fight broke loose. And when he looked off to the side, seeing the open gate, he firmly believed that his darling had gone that way.

He ran towards the hallway but skidded to a halt at the broken floorboard. It was obvious that someone had fallen through, and by the looks of the rope that dangled down into the growing abyss of darkness, somebody had followed after the unlucky victim.

This had happened before, so Bendy was worried that (Y/N) had indeed fallen down into the floor yet again. However, since someone had gone down afterward with the help of a rope, it was highly possible that she was being treated and cared for. But as he looked down into the hole, then at the hall ahead, he realized something.

He was close, very close to his lair. The one inside the grand machine. The one he had sealed himself away in so long ago. And no matter how it was going down this path, whether it be (Y/N) or even Henry, they were heading towards his lair. With that thought in mind, there was no denying that both of those two would eventually make it to the Ink Demon's lair. It was just a matter of who got there first.

And so, with a hopeful spring in his step, the demon began to creep towards his lair in the Ink Machine. He was so excited to finally see his darling, so thrilled to finally be with his special someone who would once more put an end to his loneliness, that Bendy became incredibly lost in thought as he walked.

He was so invested in his swirling hopes and wishes that he even failed to notice the presence of a man right below him as he walked above the Appointment Lobby, passing by each and every window that overlooked it. He didn't even flinch at the presence of three people walking right alongside him at one point, the trio being just on the other side of the wall with long glass windows stretching down the hallway.

The Ink Demon knew exactly what he wanted, exactly what he was after.

He cared about nothing but reuniting with his precious darling.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now