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3/16/19, Edited 7/30/19

Bendy continued to mope as he walked alongside you. His arms dangled loosely at his sides and his head never looked up from the floor as he slowly trudged onward. You glanced at him from the corners of your eyes, a frown tugging at your lips.

"Bendy...." You sighed.

The ink demon stopped walking, but his head remained unmoved. He continued to blankly stare down at the old, dusty floorboards.

You hugged Bendy's inky arm, pulling it against your chest. Resting your cheek on his arm as you leaned into him, you murmured, "You know I'm not doing this on purpose....right?"

Bendy ripped his arm away from you as you said that. He didn't do it too forcefully though, but it still shocked you. "Bendy.... Are you mad at me?"

He hesitated before quickly scooping you up bridal style. His body lightly flinched in a pattern as he nuzzled his face into your cheek. As he did so, he slowly began to hold you tighter and tighter. His ink was growing runny from his sobs.

You placed a hand on his chest, rubbing it soothingly. "Come on, now. Who's my big, strong demon?" Your words came out in a soothing whisper.

Bendy held you even tighter as his sobs quickened. He fell to his knees, still holding you in his arms, as he rested his head on your shoulder. You gently caressed his horns as you continued to whisper. "Bendy. Please look at me."

He did so as he heard the pained strain in your voice.

"Like I said earlier, it won't be long." You sent him a saddened smile. "Only for a week or so. Hopefully everything is normal when I come back. If not, then we'll figure it out together!"

Bendy lightly caressed your cheek with his gloved hand. His sobs had quieted and his ink became less runny. He gently placed an ink heart to your lips. Once he pulled away, he dragged his finger across the floor. 'I'm sorry. I can't help it.'

"I know, my love." You replied. "It's hard to let people go, but it shows how much you care when you do."

'Please come back, please. Don't leave me alone again.'

"You know I would never do that." You answered firmly. "I love you too much. This is for our own safety, remember?"

'I know.... Just, please promise me?'

"I promise." You smiled slightly as you kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, Bendy. It's only gonna be, like, a week."

'I'll be counting the days.'

You giggled. "Me too."

'If anyone makes a move on you, tell me and I'll take care of them. Nobody lays a finger on my darling.'

A light laugh escaped your lips. "Of course. Anything for you, Bendy."

He pecked the tip of your nose with an ink heart before setting you down on the ground. He stood up after you and delicately took your hand in his. Placing a kiss to the back of your hand, Bendy slightly froze as he looked up and locked eyes with you.

The ink demon stayed motionless for a moment before pulling you into a tight hug. You hugged him back just as tight as you rubbed soft circles on his back. "Be strong for me."

He slowly pulled away with a small nod as he continued to walk you down the hallway. Every once in a while, you would see a tear roll down his face when you glanced at him. Each time you would gently wipe them away.

As the two of you walked, the ominous feeling began to grow stronger and stronger. Every few moments, you and Bendy would freeze in place as you heard strange footsteps. You could never tell where they were coming from; above or below, front or back, left or right. Bendy would only continue on after a few seconds passed once they stopped.

The more the ominous tension grew, the more weird things that would seemingly happen. In addition to the footsteps, the ink around you two began to make weird noises, especially from the pipes. They would hiss, almost sounding like eerie whispers. The ink would also let out noises resembling weird, groggy groans.

Turning a corner, you and Bendy barely made it halfway down the corridor when a strange shadow appeared on the far wall, only to disappear just as soon as it was seen. You wanted to believe this strange phenomenon was just a figment of your imagination, but that wouldn't be possible since Bendy saw and heard everything also.

Bendy held up a finger to your lips and sent you a reassuring nod, motioning for you to stay put, as he quietly crept forward. You stood frozen in place as you watched the ink demon stealthily stalk towards the corner.

As he made his way down, you heard a loud creak. It sounded very close, and it sent your eyes darting all over in fear. Bendy hesitated at the end of the hallway before whipping his head around the corner. Nothing was there.

You then heard a loud crack as you felt your footing slightly shift. Looking down in a panic, you noticed a huge split in the flooring. Bendy walked away from the corner and starting coming back to you just as the crack formed.

Bendy noticed what was happening as he made a mad dash for you. He reached his arm out as far as he could and reached for you just as the floor gave way. You went to move, but it was too late. The floor collapsed beneath you as you helplessly reached out for Bendy with a sharp gasp.

He pushed forward with all his might as everything seemed to go in slow motion. He reached out for your falling form, only for his fingers to ever so slightly graze your fingertips. He collapsed to the floor and frantically peered over the edge, watching your body fall into the darkness below as you let out a scream of frantic peril.

Your arms flailed as you reached an arm up towards Bendy, eyes wide with panic as you fell deeper into the dark abyss. "Bendy!" You shrieked as you continued to free fall further downward. It greatly frightened you as you watched his head grow smaller and smaller as your world became darker and darker until it was nothing but darkness. You never knew if you hit the ground or not.

✔️Ink Bendy x Reader - Alone Within the Ink #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now