Chapter 41

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"We will never make it" Zoë said "we are moving too slow. But we cannot leave the Ophiotaurus"
"Moo" Bessie said he swam next to me as we jogged up the pier.
"I don't get it" i said "why do you have to get there at sunset?"
"The Hesperides are nymphs of the sunset" Zoë said "we can only enter their garden as the day changes to night"
"What happens if we miss it?"
"Tomorrow is Winter solstice. If we miss sunset tonight, we would have to wait until tomorrow evening. And by that time the Olympian Council will be over. We must fee Lady Artemis tonight"
Or Annabeth will be dead I thought but I didnt say it.
"We need a car" Thalia said
"What about Bessie" I asked
Grover stopped in his tracks. "I've got an idea! The Ophiotaurus can appear in different bodies of water, right?"
"Well, yeah" i said "I mean, he was in Long island sound. Then he popped into water at Hoover Dam. And now he's here."
"So maybe we could cost him back to Long Island Sound," Grover said "then Chiron can help him to Olympus"
"But how would he know the way" I asked
"I...I can show him." Grover said "I'll take him"
I stared at him. Grover was not a fan of water.
"I'm the only one who can talk to him" Grover said "it makes sense"
Grover whispered something in Bessie's ear.
"The blessing of the wild" Grover said "that should help with safe passage. Percy pray to your dad too. See if he'll grant us safe passage through the seas"
I didn't possible understand how they could possibly swim back from California to Long Island. But monsters traveled differently than humans.
"Dad" i said "help us. Get the Ophiotaurus and Grover to camp. Protect then at sea"
"A prayer like that needs a sacrifice" Thalia said "something big"
I thought for a second. Then took off.
"Percy" Grover said "are you sure? That lion skin...that's really helpful. Hercules used it!"
Then I realized something. I did know the hero Zoë helped. The one who ruined her life. Hercules, a hero I'd admired all my life.
"If I'm going to survive" I said "it won't be because I've got a lion-skinned cloak. I'm not Hercules."
I threw the coat into the bay. It turned back into golden lion skin. Then, it seemed to dissolve into sunlight on water.
The sea breeze picked up.
"Well," Grover said "no time to loose"
He jumped into the water and immediately began to sink. Bessie glided next to him and let Grover take hold of his neck
"Be careful" I said
"We will"
Bessie lurched forward. He started to submerge and Grover said "I can't breathe underwater. Just thought id-"
Under they went.
"Well that is one problem addressed" Zoë said "but how can we get to my sister's garden?"
"Thalia's right" I said "we need a car but there's no one here to help us unless.... We um..."
"Wait" Thalia said digging around in her pockets "there is someone who can help us."
She pulled out a piece of paper with something scribbled on it.
"Who?" I asked
"Professed Chase. Annabeth's dad"

I had only met Annabeth's dad once before. But after hearing her gripe I expected him to slam the door on us and call the police.
He was wearing old-fashioned aviator goggles. He looked so weird.
"Hello" he asked in a friendly voice "are you delivering my airplanes?"
Thalia and Zoë exchanged looks.
"Um, no sir" i said
He looked at me "drat I need three more Sopwith Camels. Do I know you?"
"Um kinda I guess" i said "we're Annabeth's friends"
"Annabeth?" He asked straightening "is she alright?"
None of us answered but our faces were answer enough.
"You'd better come in" he said

The house was full of Legos, like when I was there in Gotham.
"Dad!" One of the twins yelled "he's taking apart my robots!"
"Bobby" Dr Chase called "don't take apart your brothers Legos"
"I'm Bobby" Bobby said"he's Mathew"
"Mathew don't take apart your brothers robots"
"Okay dad" Mathew said "Percy!" He ran to me and tugged on my arm. "Can you do that trick with the metal bats you have?"
"Whoa whoa" i said "n-not right now"
Luckily Dr Chase seemed too deep in thought to notice my slip up.
"Percy?" Barbara asked
"Tell me you didn't show him your Batarangs"
"I um...maybe?"
"I'm going to kill you" she said
"Honey" Annabeth's stepmom came in. I clenched my hands. Last time I had seen her we'd saved her from Cadmus.
"Oh this is...." He looked at us
We introduced ourselves uneasily.
"Percy" I said "Jackson"
"Bruce Wayne's-"
"Yes" i sighed

Dr Chase took us upstairs to his study and we explained everything to him. Or tried to.
The sun was sinking and we were running out of time.
"We need transportation to Mount Tamalpais" Zoë said "immediately."
"I'll drive you" he said "it would be faster to take the camel but there aren't enough seats..."
"Just the car would be great" Thalia said "and it might be better if we went without you. It's too-"
"Wait a minute" he argued "Annabeth is my daughter. Dangerous or not i-"
"Snacks" Mrs chase announced. She came up carrying a tray of sandwiches and Chocolate chip cookies. Thalia and I immediately pounced on them while Zoë continued on.
"I can drive" she said "I'm not as young as I look"
"What's this about?" Mrs chase asked
Dr. Chase explained to her, the short version.
"They want to borrow the car" he said "I'd drive them but.... apparently it's no place for mortals."
I looked to Mrs. Chase, expecting her to say no. What mortal mom would let three underaged teenagers take her can?
"Then you'd better get going" she said much to my surprise.
"Yes let's get going" Zoë said "now"
"Percy" Mrs chase called "tell Annabeth...she has a home here if she wants it"
"Alright" I said
It wasn't a bad place. But I knew Annabeth could never leave camp, or Cass.
A hand tapped my shoulder making me jump. I had forgotten Cass was still with us.
"Have to go" she said "someone...."
"Who?" I asked
She shook her head and ran off toward the city.
"Cass!"  I yelled "Oracle who is she talking about"
"No idea" she said "I have that message from Wally. Want me to play it?"
"No not right now. I'll wait till Annabeth is with me" I said

I stood surveying the wreckage. Only a second ago a lightning bolt had destroyed Dr. chases car. Luckily we got out in time and Thalia had her shield otherwise id be cut into a million pieces.
"Where's Zoë?" I asked looking around
"Zoë!" I yelled
"Quiet you fool" Zoë said pulling my arm "you don't want to wake Ladon"
"You mean we're here?"
"Very close" she said "follow me"
Thanks for reading! comment and let me know what you think.
My school starts on Tuesday so I don't know when the next chapter will be published but I plan on finishing the book by the beginning of September so hopefully soon.
I will write a fourth book and I'll have more on that coming out soon!

The Blue Knight --Percy Jackson Batman Crossover--The Olympian Heroes Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now