Chapter 8

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We jumped out the window because. You know why not? Annabeth literally sprinted the whole way there. She pushed passed the security into the room. I apologized and followed. Inside was Bruce in his suit and Barbara laying on a bed. Annabeth hurried over to Barbara and started talking to her.
Bruce gave me a look. I shrugged. He nodded and gave me a different one saying we'll talk later.
"Are you okay?" I asked Barbara she looked tired
"I'll be fine" she said I could tell she was in pain and something was wrong. "Annabeth why'd you come?" Bruce asked
"Why'd you come?" Annabeth retorted
I could tell her why and Annabeth knew why. Barbara was like a daughter to Bruce. Then again she was like a sister to Annabeth.
"Someone's on the phone for Annabeth Chase" a nurse came in. Her dad must've found the note we left.
"I'll be back" Annabeth stood up and left.
After a pause from Barbara she took a breath. Tears streamed down her face.
"Bruce its bad" she said
"How bad?"
"I..." she paused "I can't feel anything below my waist"
"Wait like-" I started
"The bullet could have damaged your spinal cord" Bruce said
"Bruce?" She questioned
"I don't know we have to wait and see" he said "I'll find Your dad and get him home"
"It was..." she trailed off "Bruce he- it he...took dad he said it was to-to prove a point"
"I'm going to find him" Bruce said
"What is he going to do to my dad?" Barbara asked
Annabeth walked back in.
"I'm coming" she said
"No-" he said
"Yes. you aren't going to stop me" she said he opened his mouth. "No I'm coming."
"Annabeth you can't" Bruce said she glared at him for a second he glared back. It was scary seeing both of them like this. Bruce and Annabeth were never very big fans of each other. To be honest I felt like Bruce didn't trust her. Or vice versa.
"Fine Percy your staying here to make sure the Joker doesn't come" he said
"Sounds good" I said "wait I thought Jason-"
"Apparently not" Bruce said
"Don't let anything happen to her seaweed brain" Annabeth whispered
"Don't let anything happen to you Wise Girl" I whispered back
"If anything happens to her you should only be worried about you." She said
"May the force be with you" I said
She rolled her eyes.

Dick came about twenty minutes later. I wore my suit so I could stay without being questioned more. Eventually Barbara fell asleep with Dick holding her hand. He wasn't far behind. So I stayed up alone. I occasionally left the room to roam the halls.
It was on such occasion when I thought I heard someone following me. I turned to see someone wearing a mask. It was red.
"Jason Todd" I said "I've been wanting to thank you for saving my friends life."
"If Grayson hadn't been there it never would have happened" he said
"Yeah Dick is pretty great."
"Enough talk" he growled
"I agree I need to get back"
"Back where?" He asked
"Oh I guess your bullet didn't do what you thought it did and we're stuck with the consequences." I said
"That's not my problem if Bruce had taken care of the Clown before I came back none of any of this would have happened." He said "it is a shame we could've been friends"
"Ugg you should like Luke" I said "let's get this over with"
I tapped my hand and the bar flew to my hand. A knife was thrown at my face I blocked it.
"Holy Hephaestus" I muttered
He ran at me brandishing a sword. I held the extend button until my bar was about the size of Riptide. I flipped the switch Bruce had added and a crosspiece switched out. I held it like a sword.
"Bring it" I said
I could tell I was a superior swordsmen and I was stronger than he was. Granted if I was a mortal that would not have been the case.  He could tell I was the superior swordsman as well.
He pulled out a set of nunchucks. Shiz. I wondered for a second where he'd gotten the weapons but then remembered that some had gone missing from the batcave so I figured he had stolen them. He swung at my head and I blocked it. I took a jab at him but it was unsuccessful. He kicked me and I was knocked into the wall the bar flew from my hand. I ducked under a swing and tackled him. He stood and pulled out a gun.
"Games are over" he said
"Oh okay" I said I sighed
He turned right as a wave of water washed over him.

The Blue Knight --Percy Jackson Batman Crossover--The Olympian Heroes Book ThreeOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant