Chapter 4

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I walked through the woods until I heard voices.
"Hey perce" Chris Rodriguez said "we were just about to start."
I walked into the clearing. About fifteen kids were there. Most of which we from the Hermes cabin.
"Percy" Luke pulled me over I his side "I think we're ready to take care of the old horse." He said this loud enough for everyone to hear.
A few of them cheered. Others must've realized there was no turning back.
I knew what they were planning. The downfall of Olympus.
"Hey sorry I'm late" someone said
I looked at him. Black messy hair sea green eyes. Me.
"Who?" I asked well not me other Percy
People looked back and forth between us.
"What is going on?" Someone asked
"He's an imposter" other me shouted
Luke looked at me.
I reached into my back pocket no gloves. I looked around.
"Um okay" I said "I think it's time for me"
I sprinted off. Not as fast as I usually did. Faster. I was off in a flash literally. I looked on my hand and noticed a ring. Not my usual one. It had a lightning bolt on it. Just like Barry's and Wally's.
I stopped on top of the hill. Where Barry stood next to me. I was smoking literally.
"Wow Percy" he whistled
"What in Olympus is going on?" I asked
"I thought something was wrong" he muttered
"Barry what is happening" I demanded
"My question is how did you tap into the speed force?" He asked
"Barry is it you?" I asked
"Yes it is" he said
"How can I be sure" I asked
"You challenged me too a race once." He said "I was jogging and you tripped trying to keep up with me"
"Okay okay it's you. Where are we?" I asked
"Earth forty two" he said
"What's it like?" I asked
"Like ours but everything but North America was destroyed sunk into the ocean." He said
"By who?" I asked
"Just natural causes" he said I knew better dad probably had an argument with someone.
"We need to get out of here" I said as I saw Luke and a few other guys running up the hill.
"Okay" he said "keep closely behind"
He flashed off and I did too. Everything seemed to slow down except Barry his blonde hair fluttered in the wind.
He stopped suddenly. And I tried but I flew into a wall.
"Owww" I groaned
"You good anything broken" he asked
"Nope just hurt"
"Wow how'd you not get hurt?" He asked "I mean I heal fast but I still get injured."
Well I knew why it was because I was a demigod and we could withstand more than a mortal. We also had extra endurance and superhuman speed and strengths granted not as much as Barry or Kal el. But still.
"I have not idea" I lied

The Blue Knight --Percy Jackson Batman Crossover--The Olympian Heroes Book ThreeWhere stories live. Discover now