Interview #11 - Greentail3

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Interview #11 - GreenTail3

Username: GreenTail3

Age: Under 18

Book You Want Us To Read: The Glass Locket

How You Found Us: Through a friend

First Of All, Who Are You? Most people know me as Greentail here on the internet, but my real name is Rebecca. What really got me into writing was when I joined Teen Cafe, a group of serious teen writers who work to get there work published. I wanted to publish a book that everyone could enjoy just like I enjoy reading other people's works.

What Is Your Book "The Glass Locket" About? Well, it's about a girl, Kisa, who has the gift of the glass locket. The locket will never open until essentially the time is "right" and it is opened by the "right" person, allowing only Kisa to use it. Captured by the Avaritia kingdom, Kisa must find a way to escape and stop the wars between Kingdom Avaritia and Vol.


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