Interview #37 - B-Marie

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Interview #37 - B-Marie

Username: B-Marie

Age: 17

Book You Want Us To Read: Save Me Superhero

How You Found Us: A friend of mine follows you :)

First Of All, Who Are You? My name is B. Marie, and I am a seventeen year old girl who wants nothing more in this world than for people to just enjoy her writing. I've been writing since I was really little, but I didn't start putting stuff on Wattpad until about two and half years ago. I'm so glad that I did though, because I have made the best friends here and couldn't ever imagine my life without Wattpad! I'm always available to talk and I love to fangirl about anything so hit me up!

What Is Your Book "Save Me Superhero" About? Save Me Superhero! is about an upcoming reporter named Loaine Lorain who wants nothing more than to be the best reporter ever. Through this, she discovers her city's very own superhero! Her main goal is to try and figure out who he is when he isn't saving people. As their story progresses, they realise that they have more in common than the attention of the people. It is the first book in the Superhero! Series, and I am currently on the third book now!  


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