Interview #19 - Cloverbrooks

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Interview #19 - Cloverbrooks

Username: cloverbrooks

Age: 16

Book You Want Us To Read: Soul Mate

How You Found Us: I found you guys through Beck. She told me about it and I thought it would be a lot of fun. :)

First Of All, Who Are You? 

My pen name is Clover Brooks and I love to write. I'm also really passionate about drawing. :)

What Is Your Book "Soul Mate" About? 

Soul Mate is a book that follows the story of a lowly girl named Skye Kingston through her rough rollercoaster of love in the very dystopian society of Ceann. The country is a twisted society of America, oriented years in the future -- after the third world war (the Great War). Due to nuclear mutations, females have superpowers and males do not. When a male and female fall in love, the powers equally distribute between the two: the legacy of the Soul Mate.

Skye falls head over heels in love with a boy named Axel Oakwood, presumably new to the city of Fieldhood and the Western Quarter. Without her knowing, falling in love would open a door that would completely change her life forever. Axel, whose real last name is really Stone, steals her superpowers and leaves her helpless to die. Skye's friends come to rescue her but are extremely upset concerning the whole situation. They hunt down Axel, leading to a huge adventure that will soon lead them to discover the truth about the society they live in. Soul Mate is the very first book in the trilogy, the next book being Kindred Spirit (which should be coming out in a couple months/to a year). The trilogy tells the story of Skye, but the readers will also come to discover the true character of Axel as well as all of Skye's friends.

I have sent it out to multiple publication companies in hopes to have it really be published. Being able to talk about it in interviews like this makes me feel so privileged and honoured to talk about a story I've been fascinated in for a long time, and I want to thank you for that.


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