Interview #52 - taytay_the_unicorn

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Interview #52 - taytay_the_unicorn

Username: taytay_the_unicorn

Age: 13

Book You Want Us To Read: Shocking Discoveries

How You Found Us: My recommendations.

First Of All, Who Are You? I'm a 13 year old girl with big dreams to make a difference. I'm artistic, creative, unique, intelligent, and stubborn. I love Harry Potter, Hunger Games, and Percy Jackson. I ship Dramione, Gatniss, and Lukabeth. I'm a Ravenclaw/Thunderbird Unicorn.

What Is Your Book "Shocking Discoveries" About? My story Shocking Discoveries revolve around Hermione Granger's life after the war. Hermione feels as though her life is falling apart, when she finally thinks her life is going good, another discovery is made. That's all I can say I'm afraid I might give away the entire plot. 


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