"Let's go," I sigh, pulling her to her feet.

"Is it horrible knowing that when someone dies, you're so used to death that you get over it too fast?"

"It is for me," I shrug. "I'm not a big crier anymore, but I have my moments."

"Me too," she agrees, the redness around her eyes almost blending in with her tanned face.

"Cmon," I take her wrist into my hand and pull her to her feet. Reluctantly, she follows me to the door and down the short two door drop since Cid decided to finally land this thing. A person drops down behind us and I jump, startled.

"Sorry," Kunsel apologizes. "I just... Sorry. I already talked to that Cloud guy and I'm going home. Haven't seen my parents in awhile. Not that I belong with you guys anyway. You're legendary!" He grins before we wave, watching him run for the houses.

"Can't say I'm gonna miss him," Yuffie shakes her head.

"Neither can I," Barret joins the conversation, stepping out of the ship and stretching. "Though I'd rather it be Cloud's dad."

"Cloud said he might drop he and Kara off with that Louise lady in Corel," Yuffie says quietly.

"Not gonna lie, the space would be nice. I'm already missin the Highwind," Barret shakes his head.

"Me too," I agree, following behind him as he takes us down to random materia shop that's been rebuilt since the town's destruction. There we convince Yuffie to get a materia or two, a simple Ice and Bolt.

"Thanks," she gives him a weak smile that he returns. I think that this is sort of a scary thing for him because now he knows that those troops are after our kids too. It must be unnerving to know that one of your friends' kids was killed at the age of two by those people.

"Anyone hungry?" I grin. "I know I am."

"Me too," Barret nods. Yuffie just shrugs and avoids looking at us again.

"Cmon, we're makin you eat," Barret demands, grabbing her small wrist and pulling her after us. We end up in a small lunch cafe, ordering lunch for me and Barret, and a small bowl of soup for Yuffie. Can't eat, just take it light, right?

"That was good," I look over at Yuffie after we finish eating and continue walking down the sidewalk.

"It was," my friend agrees, now both of us looking at her in expectancy.

"I... I think I'm gonna be sick," she stutters, suddenly holding her mouth and running behind a building, the sound of her vomiting pushing into my ears. We share a worried glance before going after her, what used to be chicken noodle soup half digested and regurgitated onto someone's lawn.

"Sorry, I just.... Can't keep anything down right now," she winces up at us and I nod, helping her to her feet. Then my phone rings, my hand automatically flipping it open and bringing it to my ear.


"So they said it was a success," Cid's cheery voice fills my head. "You on your way over?"

"Yeah," I glance at Yuffie. I feel kinda bad for making her come when she obviously doesn't want to.

"See ya soon!"

"Bye," I mumble.

"Was that Cid?" Yuffie frowns. I nod and she sighs.


"Cmon," I smile at her, grabbing her hand and skipping toward the middle of the small town. She actually ends up laughing when an old man cusses me out for tripping over his cat.

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