Chapter 43: Acceptance

Start from the beginning

Kiba nodded. "Yes, Buchou."

Rias summoned a magic circle so the three of them could leave. "Could I ask you to train Gasper while I'm away?"

Y/N blinked. "What?"

Rias, Akeno, and Kiba disappeared right after he asked. Y/N slumped his shoulders in defeat. Was this part of the agreement he made with her? He had no idea any more.

Suddenly, Y/N's phone began to vibrate in his pocket. He took it out but he didn't recognise the caller ID. He turned away from the Devils and put his phone to his ear.

"Hello?" He asked.

"Y/N-kun!" A cheerful voice replied.

He was surprised. "Sera-chan?" He recognised the voice of Serafall Leviathan. "How did you get my number?"

"That's not important," Her words made him worry. "I just wanted to know if you'll be attending the summit."

"I was there, Sera-chan. Not only that but I'm the one who defeated Kokabiel, I don't have a choice. But I'm not sure if I will be attending as an Angel or as Miss Gremory's consultant," He replied.

"Yes, I thought about that too. But there's no need to worry! Everyone's on your side! No-one liked that Kokabiel jerk anyway," She replied. "Us Devils know what he did to you and we don't stand with it."

Y/N lightly chuckled. "Thanks, Sera-chan."

"Well, I only really wanted to know if I'll see your face at the summit. I'm glad to know that I will. I'll see you there, Y/N-kun!" She sang.

"See you there," He responded before ending the call.

He thought nothing more of it and returned back to the group of Devils, however, every single one of them had vanished.

All of a sudden, there was a loud girly scream coming from outside. Y/N rushed out of the room and to one of the windows.

Down below, he could see Xenovia chasing after a screaming Gasper. Xenovia had Durandal out which worried Y/N greatly.

"Oh, come on!" He yelled as he ran to the building's exit.

Y/N managed to get outside in time to see Koneko threatening Gasper with garlic which was very poisonous to Vampires. Gasper was cowering in fear.

Y/N ran quickly up to the white-haired Rook and slapped the garlic out of her hand. He glared down at her but she kept the same stoic face.

"We're supposed to train him, not give him nightmares!" He told her before he turned to Xenovia and Issei. Asia was to the side. "What do you think you're playing at?"

Xenovia stepped forward. "We are training him as per Rias Gremory's request. This was how the church trained me."

"I think we've established by now that the church is wrong," Y/N shot back. He looked down at Koneko. "And you?"

"I am making him face his fears," She answered, blankly.

"There's a difference between making someone face their fears and thrusting a poisonous substance in front of them. If I was training you do you want me to put a light spear in front of you?" He questioned.

"..." She stayed silent.

"I didn't think so," He added. "I'll be taking charge of his training from now on."

Xenovia disagreed with that. "Rias Gremory said that we should be training him together."

"Miss Gremory attempted to train him as part of a group and that got her nowhere. I'm the oldest person here, I've trained hundreds of Angels. I know what I'm doing," He responded.

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